Can Serrat Writing Project Residency: Spring 2020

1 October, 2019 - 00:01 to 31 October, 2019 - 23:59

Can Serrat is a space for creation, community and process. Here activities are organised within these fields as well as research, questioning, doubt, understanding, inquisitiveness and debate. The residency programme offers support to writers and arts production, with one-to-one monitoring and resources for each resident according to their needs.


Can Serrat is offering a workspace, accommodation and advice so that each resident can work effectively on their writing project.


The committee will select 16 proposals as part of the writing residency programme which consists of:


– 1 full grant

– 5 70% grants

– 5 50% grants

– 5 30% grants

Arts Discipline


Residency Period

Full grant: May-June 2020
Partial grants: April-June 2020

Main Venue

Can Serrat
Masia Can Serrat
C/ Parròquia s/n
08294 El Bruc, Barcelona (Espanya)


  • A private or shared bedroom throughout the residency (according to chosen option)
  • Shared workspace during the residency
  • Access to shared spaces (kitchen, bathroom, etc.)
  • Meals (half-board)
  • Use of all equipment (recording studio, sound recording system, projectors)
  • Possibility of organising workshop / residency discussion
  • Promotion through social networks
  • Human and technical resources
  • Access to exhibition hall at the El Bruc Ajuntament (town hall) for organising a display at the end of the residency
  • Connections with the local cultural scene
  • Published in the annual catalogue of residency projects.



[Grants do not cover travel costs.]


Residency cost:

2190 €/1 month


Partial grant#1 (70%)

Shared room*: 570 € / 1 month

Private room:  930 € / 1 month


Partial grant#2 (50%)

Shared room*: 930 € / 1 month

Private room: 1290€ / 1 month


Partial grant#3 (30%)

Shared room*: 1290 € / 1 month

Private room: 1650 € / 1 month


* Shared room for artists of the same sex (maximum 3).

Application Deadline

31 October 2019


- Sophie Blais (Director) and Sarah Goodchild Robb (Artistic coordination and administration)
- Alex Marsh (resident poet in London:


Application submission deadline: 31 October 2019
Decision: December 2019

Application Submission

Please include the following with the application:

  • PDF file entitled: “surname_canserrat-CA-SPRINGCall”
  • This file must contain:
    • Writer’s statement (Can Serrat would like each candidate to explain their working process and provide information about their current field of research)
    • 3-page (max) example of a recent piece of work
    • A voice recording of the work (3 pages or fewer, recorded on a mobile phone will suffice), read by the applicant themselves (accessible via a link to the pdf file)
    • CV / Biography
  • The application may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish, French or English. No other languages will be accepted.
  • The application must be submitted via the application form at the bottom of this page
Contact information: 

Tel. +34 937 710 037

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