1 February, 2019 - 00:01 to 28 February, 2019 - 23:59

The aim of this call is to offer support for the creation and production of stage and drama projects and provide a platform for access to circuits within the professional sector (festivals, venues...)

Arts Discipline

Dramatic Arts/Theatre

Target Candidate

The call is open to companies and artists working in the field of the dramatic arts. Each individual or collective may present more than one proposal.

Main Venue

Centre Cívic Cotxeres Borrell
Carrer de Viladomat, 2-8, 08015
08015 Barcelona

Application Period

1-28 February 2019

Competition Features

The competition is open to projects from any arts discipline encompassed by the dramatic arts: theatre and all its offshoots, dance, mime, clown, multidisciplinary, etc. Projects must be in a state of development but not yet premiered. Selection will be made according to the following criteria: technical quality, the nature of the submitted documentation, viability and proximity to the centre’s method and areas of work. Projects must be produced to be performed or staged in the centre theatre or one of its rooms. Applicants must thus bear in mind the characteristics of the different spaces.



The winning project will receive the amount of1200 Euros, the finalist 800 Euros and the jury prize 500 Euros to be used for the development and production of the project. This sum will be subject to the relevant tax deductions. The organisation will assign an individual who will be responsible for the monitoring and development of the production of the theatre projects. The performance of the prize-winning projects will take place during the Cotxeres theatre season, Escena 2019-2020, in accordance with the usual conditions of the centre’s regular programme of events. The organisation reserves the right to select more than one project as well as deeming the prize null and void.


Participation in this competition implies an understanding and full acceptance of its rules and conditions. The organisation will resolve unilaterally any circumstance not foreseen in these rules.


The jury will be comprised of professionals related to the dramatic arts and cultural management. The organisation may invite participants to an interview prior to selection with the aim of gleaning more detailed information about the projects.


Application Submission Deadline: 28 February 2019
Decision: 15 April 2019

Application Submission

Proposals must include the following documentation:

  1. Properly-completed competition form
  2. Audio-visual material (include links to the file)
  3. CV of artist/company
  4. Properly-completed budget and timetable
  5. Any other documentation considered appropriate and which may help to understand the project

Projects must be submitted via email ( between 1 and 28 February 2019.

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