Residencies in 2021 at La Caldera

13 October, 2020 - 00:01 to 2 November, 2020 - 23:59

La Caldera is opening its call for applications for the residency programme for January-December 2021.


The call has two categories: creation residencies and technical residences.


A total of 12 projects are expected to be accommodated: 10 creation residencies and 2 technical residencies.

Artistic discipline

Performing arts relating to the body and movement.

Who is it for?

Creators, groups and researchers linked to the performing arts, with careers in any artistic area, who consider the body and/or movement as a central material, tool or question in their project. They may be local, national or international.

Place of reference

La Caldera
C/ Eugeni d’Ors, 12
08028 Barcelona

Application period

From Tuesday, 13 October to Monday, 2 November 2020, until 11.59 pm

Category: Creation residencies

The aim is to offer time and space for exploring working materials and processes in a specialised context that enables the maturation and evolution of the proposals presented.



  • Testing ground 
  • National and international (within the EU) travel expenses will be covered and there is a possibility of accommodation
  • Financial contribution of between €400 and €900
  • Possibility of artistic accompaniment and follow-up with the La Caldera team
  • Opportunity to create appropriate contexts for sharing the creation process and opening it up to external viewing
  • Free registration with Sporá Prógrama and the La Caldera activities programme
  • Option to take part in some of the different activities, exchange and collaboration projects created by La Caldera
  • A free advisory session with Elclimamola
  • Access to the internet via Wi-Fi
  • Access to the centre's common areas
  • Visibility and dissemination through the centre’s various communication channels


Documents that need to be sent

  • Filled-in form
  • Description of the project to be carried out 
  • Images or video excerpts of previous work or of the proposal presented
  • Supplementary information
  • Artistic and production team with the participants’ CVs
  • Work calendar
  • You must specify whether the proposal is being supported by other centres or venues and whether it has some form of co-production or public support.
  •  Portrait photo of the applicant artist

Category: Technical residencies

La Caldera has a room with stage black and technical equipment, ideal for hosting technical residencies for small- and medium-format proposals in their last stage of preparation or which, owing to the nature of the research, require a space with technical equipment.



  • Exclusive use of the room for a maximum period of 5 days, continuously, to facilitate the implementation of the proposal for projects in their final stage. Research processes requiring technical equipment will be offered a maximum period of 10 days
  • Technical equipment: lighting, sound, video projector
  • Free services and technical assistance for assembling and dismantling
  • If the resident project has no or insufficient experts of its own for the aims of the residency, the possibility of extending the technical support will be looked into.
  • National and international (within the EU) travel expenses will be covered and there is a possibility of accommodation
  • Free registration with Sporá Prógrama and La Caldera activities.
  • Option to take part in some of the different activities, exchange and collaboration projects created by La Caldera
  • A free advisory session with Elclimamola
  • Access to the internet via Wi-Fi
  • Visibility and dissemination through the centre’s various communication channels


Documents that need to be sent

  • Filled-in form
  • Description or dossier of the proposal that you aim to work on
  • Expected requirements of space, technical equipment and staff, as well as duration and ideal period for the residency
  • Images or video excerpts of the piece
  • Supplementary information
  • Artistic, production and technical team with the participants’ CVs
  • Work calendar
  • You must specify whether the proposal is being supported by other centres or venues and whether it has some form of co-production or public support
  • Portrait photo of the applicant artist

Submission of candidacies

You will need to email all your documents to

Other related residences