Residency Creadores 2020 at La Térmica (Malaga)

1 August, 2019 - 00:01 to 15 November, 2019 - 23:59

Programme of support for contemporary creation that hopes to inspire the professional development of artists who require both work spaces and technical and educational support.


All information about the residency call can be found in the rules


Arts discipline


Target candidate

Individuals or collectives (maximum two people) from the field of artistic creation and of any nationality or place of residence. Applicants must be over 18 and able to prove that, for at least two years, they have been working consistently on arts or creative projects in any contemporary arts discipline.


  • The programme offers a maximum of six residency vacancies (accommodation and maintenance).
  • A stay of four months to develop projects that will be presented at the Jornadas de Creación, organised by La Térmica.
  • Accommodation and space for work and training
  • Financial support amounting to 2400 Euros for each creator to cover production costs
  • Artists will cover their own costs of travel, documentation and health/accident insurance for the residency period
  • Maintenance costs will be covered by La Tèrmica
  • Creators will have to display the progress of their projects to the public and establish direct contact with them on studio opening days, taking place on specified dates throughout their period of residency.

Residency length

4 months (start of February until start of May 2020)

Application deadline

15 November 2019, 00.00 hours


  1. The successful applicants will stay in rooms owned by La Térmica during the time agreed for the completion of projects.
  2. The completed project must be conceived expressly for La Térmica’s CREADORES programme.
  3. The project must be completed during the timescale validated by the Programme and the period of stay in the rooms of La Térmica agreed by the individuals appointed for the residency.
  4. This programme will provide to each of the six chosen candidates a bursary of 2400 Euros for the production of the work, accommodation, individual workspace, maintenance service and cleaning service in residency and work areas, as well as for meetings and visits to cultural agents related to the project.
  5. The final project presentation/exhibition will be carried out during the time period established by La Térmica and will be curated by the Centre itself. Artists are responsible for the collection of their work at the end of the exhibition, having coordinated with La Térmica and covered the totality of costs incurred.  


La Térmica
Avenida de los Guindos, 48
29004 Málaga

Selection criteria

  • Viability and coherence of project
  • Originality and innovation
  • Compatibility with La Térmica’s areas of inquiry
  • Capacity for creating networks of interdisciplinary collaboration
  • CV and artistic dossier


Assessment of applications and grant proposals will be carried out by an assessment committee to be decided by the La Térmica management.


Application submission deadline: 15 November 2019
Decision: 12 December 2019
Residency period: Early February-early June 2020

Application submission

Individuals interested in taking part in this application process must submit:

  • A fully-completed application form
  • National identity document or passport of the applicant (jpg, pdf)
  • CV and artistic dossier (pdf, doc, docx)
  • Submit a project via the online platform that will be set up at This project must be an original piece of work conceived specifically and expressly for its presentation at the Creadores 2020 exhibition. The choice of project is unrestricted but must not have been exhibited or presented at any other prior exhibition. The project must be attached to the application to La Térmica Creadores in pdf, doc or docx format. All requirements for the project submission can be found in the Documentació section of the residency Rules.

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