Residency Supporting Arts Practices Linked to Journalism

6 August, 2019 - 00:01 to 27 October, 2019 - 23:00

Esta residencia tiene el objetivo de producir proyectos ambiciosos que reimaginen cómo se entiende y se comunica la crisis climática en los entornos de ciudad, con Madrid como caso de estudio o como un posible referente, proyectos que vayan más allá de la visualización de datos y propongan historias que interpelen, para su presentación en los medios de comunicación o foros políticos y legales.


The aim of this residency is to produce ambitious projects that reimagine the way in which the climate crisis is understood and communicated in the context of the city, with Madrid as a case study or possible reference point – projects that go beyond the visualisation of data and offer engaging stories that aid their presentation in the media or political and legal forums.


Cities must face up to new challenges brought about by climate change. Beyond local and global strategies of mitigation, Madrid has launched projects of adaptation to existing environmental problems and those whose significant repercussions are predicted in the short term. In this context, projects will be selected that investigate issues such as:

- City and environmental justice

- Climate change and new circular economies in the city

- Mutualism between urban species

- Urban naturation and biophobia

- Contamination and environmental violence in our cities

- Environmental health and mental health in the city

- Strategies of action and civil disobedience against climate change


All information to be found at the open call rules

Arts Discipline

Arts projects may be developed in any audio-visual, performative, textual, radical cartography format, etc. Support will be offered to projects of the following types:

  • Arts practices linked to slow journalism: projects in the line of deep journalism open to the production of field research or investigation of little-known issues or that question established narratives accepted as public truths.
  • Arts practices linked to critical journalism: projects capable of responding to rapid news cycles by producing new narratives or infrastructures for the critical analysis of the imaginaries produced by the media and by questioning and providing alternatives to the disinformation or fake news relevant to the chosen theme.
  • Arts practices linked to documentary journalism: projects the aim of which is to document processes of civic empowerment and adaptation to climate change with a significant but little-known impact.
  • Arts practices linked to guerrilla journalism: projects able to accompany and generate processes of activism and citizen-based political campaigns.

Target Candidate

The residency is open to all individuals, both Spanish and non-Spanish. Although not an essential requirement, fluency in Spanish will be valued very positively.


For the development of their arts residency, the successful candidate will receive:

  1. A workspace in Matadero Madrid, Centre for Arts Residencies
  2. Payment of 4000 Euros (amount subject to the relevant reductions and taxes) as residency allowance, which includes the resident’s maintenance costs for carrying out their project; together with the total costs for the development of the project or piece as it is outlined and described in the documentation requested in the present application process.

If the candidate lives outside Madrid, this amount will increase up to a maximum of 2000 € by way of assistance in travel costs from the usual place of residence.

Length of Residency

12 weeks. From 13 January-5 April 2020

Application Deadline

6 October 2019 at 11pm (Madrid local time)


Matadero - Centro de Creación Contemporánea
Plaza de Legazpi, 8


Matadero Madrid constituirá una comisión mixta de valoración entre el 12 y el 14 de octubre, con personal del centro y profesionales independientes, para llevar a cabo la selección de los proyectos en residencia. La resolución de esta comisión se comunicará a partir del 16 de octubre de 2019.

Application Submission

The application will be sent via the following online platform. It must be completed in English:


Information and documentation to submit (in English):

- Biography or letter of introduction (maxim 300 words)

- Selection of projects related to the current residency

- Project description (no more than 5 pages). It must include:

  • Explanation of the problem, issue or theme
  • Brief presentation of format or formats in relation to the theme
  • Specific communities to which it is aimed
  • Means of communication/media in which it intends to be presented
  • Overall timetable for development of project
  • Possible collaborations/partnerships with local and international agents

- Brief description of the use to which the workspace will be put

Contact information: 

Any doubts can be raised by writing to the following email address: Heading: CONVOCATORIA INSTITUTO MUTANTE.

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