Nature in dispute: keys to dismantling the new philosophy of the ruling class
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

Previous activities / Seminars and talks

«Asamblea destituyente». Dispositivo Nº1. Felipe Rivas San Martín, 2020. Registre fotogràfic de José Miguel Araya.
«Asamblea destituyente». Dispositivo Nº1. Felipe Rivas San Martín, 2020. Registre fotogràfic de José Miguel Araya.

Nature in dispute: keys to dismantling the new philosophy of the ruling class
Luciana Cadahia and Antonio Gómez Villar


Thursday, 30 May, 7:00 p.m.
Espai 4. Free entry

A political agency amid the climate emergency cannot be articulated on the basis of moral abstractions regarding the relationship between humanity and nature. These moral categorizations often fall into maximalist fantasies and impolitic moral outrages. There are limits in many of the ecologist narratives related to identity and moralizing dynamics. Can environmentalism be an anchor or point of support with civilizational dimensions, a transformative experience with a constituent impulse? Who pulls the “emergency break”? Who makes change possible and launches the ecosocial transition? If environmentalism shows us the link between capitalism and productivism, what political subject makes its demands operational?

Luciana Cadahia has a degree in Philosophy from the National University of Córdoba and a PhD in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). She has been a professor at several universities in Latin America, Europe and the United States. She is currently an adjunct professor at the Institute of Aesthetics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and directs the diploma course Current Crossroads of Critical Thought. She also coordinates the international network Populism, Republicanism and Global Crisis. Her field of intellectual work focuses on Latin American and continental philosophy, with special emphasis on politics, aesthetics and populism. She also writes on current political issues and collaborates with several international media. She is the author of numerous books and articles published and translated into various languages, including Seven Essays on Populism (Polity, 2021) with Paula Biglieri, Mediaciones de lo sensible (FCE, 2017) and El círculo mágico del Estado (Lengua de Trapo, 2019). 

Antonio Gómez Villar is a professor of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (UB), co-director of the Barcelona Pensa Philosophy Festival and a member of the Institute of Cultural Studies and Social Change (IECCS). His main lines of research are the ways in which the conceptual field of class has been redefined in response to the transformation of subjectivities and new cultural and political relations, and the analysis of collective action repertoires from an antagonistic perspective. He is the author of books such as Los olvidados. Ficción de un proletariado reaccionario (Bellaterra, 2022) and Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe: hegemonía y populismo (Gedisa, 2021), and co-edited the books Maradona, un mito plebeyo (Ned, 2021) and Working Dead. Escenarios del postrabajo (La Virreina, 2019) with María Ruido and Marta Echaves.

Luciana Cadahia
Luciana Cadahia
Antonio Gómez Villar
Antonio Gómez Villar