
‘‘You are also in the pack’’, talk about the housing law.
Participatory Social Documentary and the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages


Wednesday 21 February, from 7 to 8.30 p.m. Virreina LAB
Free entry. Limited capacity

Activity in collaboration with the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH).

The PAH’s strategic coordination assembly establishes the group’s areas of work and organises its activities in relation to resistance against evictions, in addition to raising awareness and discussing the group’s communications.

The fact that these meetings are held as an assembly and the action strategies they discuss allow for a first-hand understanding of the ways in which people can participate in the group and its activism.

The work carried out by the Participatory Social Documentary Platform (DSP) of La Virreina Centre de la Imatge together with the PAH strengthens the group’s audiovisual empowerment, allowing its members to develop and produce their own messages. This empowerment, which takes place through workshops and joint activities, has led to the creation of the PAHPress committee: the group’s production committee, responsible for driving audiovisual communication processes, both through streaming (in the daily battles against evictions) and recording and creating original material for the PAH’s communication campaigns.

The PAH works tirelessly for an essential cause: preventing people being stripped of a basic and fundamental right – the right to housing.

The PAH’s constant, daily resistance is backed up by audiovisual communication as a tool for raising awareness, applying pressure and educating the public about what is hidden and distorted by the press.