New Barcelona Llibres catalogue

02/09/2022 - 13:55

Books. We’re launching a new Barcelona Llibres catalogue, a directory of 260 titles edited by the Directorate of Publishing Services that reveal the many faces of our city.

We’re launching a new Barcelona Llibres catalogue, a directory of 260 titles edited by the Directorate of Publishing Services - in both paper and digital formats - that reveal the many faces of our city and its inhabitants. The paper catalogue is available at the Sala Ciutat (C. Ciutat, 2), the Barcelona City Council bookshop.

We invite you to explore the different faces of Barcelona through the publications of Barcelona Llibres. The city of neighbourhoods and people, of history and memory, of popular tradition and transgression, of distinguished careers and anonymous lives, of architecture, photography and urban art.

Discover the collections of books that we publish: “Gent de Barcelona” [People of Barcelona], “Barcelona Ecologia” [Ecological Barcelona], “Barcelona Present i Futur” [Barcelona, Present and Future], “Barcelona Arquitectura i Urbanisme” [Barcelona, Architecture and Urban Planning], “Barcelona Literària” [Literary Barcelona], “Barcelona en Vinyetes” [Snapshots of Barcelona], “Barcelona Beceroles” [ABC of Barcelona], “Barcelona Ciutat i Barris” [Barcelona, the City and its Neighbourhoods], “Darrere la Càmera” [Behind the Camera], “Arts a la Ciutat” [The Arts in the City], “Carnet de Voyage” [Ticket to Ride] and “Biblioteca Secreta” [Secret Library].

In the catalogue you’ll also find the books that we’ve co-edited with various private publishing houses through selection processes that began back in January 2021. These alliances allow us to better promote our books and to ensure a wider circulation, as in this way we are supporting the country’s publishing sector.

We would also draw your attention to the thirty or so books that you can download in PDF format completely free of charge from the Barcelona Llibres website via the E-books menu.