16/03/2023 - 21:08

A guide for discovering the convent founded by Queen Elisenda de Montcada

Books. Barcelona City Council and Triangle Books have published a guide about the Monastery of Pedralbes, with text by Anna Castellano-Tresserra and Carme Aixalà Fàbregas, and photographs by Pere Vivas.

15/03/2023 - 18:36

We present the second ‘Barcelona, Memòria en Vinyetes’ comic: Rebel·lió: La vaga de lloguers del 1931

Books. Its authors are Francisco Sánchez and Ana Sainz «Anapurna» and the publication will be presented on Monday, 20 March, at the Biblioteca Francesc Candel.

10/03/2023 - 13:07

The “Barcelona fotògrafes” exhibition comes to Fabra i Coats as part of the 8M events

Books. The Fabra i Coats complex is playing host to this travelling exhibition, from 8 March to 30 'April, based on the book of the same name co-published with La Fábrica.

08/03/2023 - 10:02

‘Survey Barcelona’. An account of a moment of major change in the city.

Books. The book consists of two volumes that complement each other and offer a complete vision of the architectural and planning projects carried out in the city.

17/02/2023 - 10:09

The book series "Barcelona, Memory in Comic Drawings" makes its debut with a comic about La Model

Books. The main aim of the series is to explain the most important protest movements through comics.

03/02/2023 - 14:03

Book presentation: ‘La República a Barcelona de Miquel González i Sugranyes, 1873-1874’

Books. The authors are Jordi Roca Vernet and Ginés Puente Pérez. The presentation will be at the History Archive of the City of Barcelona on 13 February, at 6 pm.

27/01/2023 - 17:47

‘Jordi Sabater Pi. L’últim naturalista’

Books. A pioneering work of research on the epistolary legacy of Sabater Pi, revealing details on the history of Barcelona and its Zoo.

19/01/2023 - 14:56

‘Barcelona, gener de 1939. La caiguda’ [Barcelona, January 1939. The Fall]

Books. An exhaustive and richly documented study that includes photographs and unpublished documents form the time of Franco's occupation of Barcelona.

17/01/2023 - 10:21

The Llibre de les fonts brings back a 17th-century manuscript kept at the Historic Archives

Books. The Book of Fountains. Water, climate and society in 17th-century Barcelona. A book published jointly with Editorial Afers that brings back and analyses a manuscript commissioned by the Consell de Cent.

04/09/2024 - 13:47

‘Darrere les persianes’ [Behind the Blinds] at the eighth edition of “Nosaltres/Us: LGTBI+ Week”, in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood

LGBTI+. An installation in the lobby of the Sagrada Família Cultural Centre and a guided walk based on the book, as part of the neighbourhood’s programme for LGTBI+ Week.

02/09/2024 - 17:23

Tierno Galván, Pere Calders, Pi i Margall and Pere Falqués, protagonists of the new titles released this autumn

Books. Some of the country's important historical and cultural figures, and catalogues for the latest municipal exhibitions, among this season’s new titles.

29/07/2024 - 10:51

Itineraries Based on Publications from Barcelona Llibres for Catalan Book Week

Trade fairs. Catalan Book Week offers around thirty literary itineraries based on recently published books.