Literary Radar

Articles, book reviews, literary critiques and journalistic reports around books on local and international media.

Why do so few men read books by women? | THE GUARDIAN | 09/07/2021

Data shows men are reluctant to read women, and this has real world implications.


A Flight Attendant Drafted Her Novel On Cocktails Napkins | THE NEW YORK TIMES | 30/06/2021

T. J. Newman received a seven-figure advanced for 'Falling', her debut book.


The Man Rewriting Prison From Inside | THE NEW YORKER | 27/06/2021

Quntos KunQuest debuts with his first novel 'This Life'.


Janet Malcolm, a Writer Who Emphasized the Messiness of Life With Slyness and Precision | THE NEW YORK TIMES | 19/06/2021

America's finest nonfiction writer died last week.


Els autors de 'Molt a favor' proposen un Pacte per la Llengua | EL TEMPS | 17/06/2021

Vuit lingüistes fan 57 propostes per fer créixer l'ús social del català.


The Classicist Who Killed Homer | THE NEW YORKER | 07/06/2021

How Milman Parry proved that the Iliad and the Odyssey were not written by a lone genius.