Literary Radar

Articles, book reviews, literary critiques and journalistic reports around books on local and international media.

Richard Ford: 'I didn't finish a book until I was 19 | The Guardian | 9/05/2020

The Pulitzer prize winner on the freedom that comes with age, how he reinvented his writing life and overcoming childhood dyslexia. 


Finally There’s Time to Read (or at Least Organize Your Books) | The New York Times | 28/04/2020

Books tell a story about who you are. Here's how to make it an interesting one. 


Lost Simone de Beauvoir novel from 1954 to be published nearly 75 years later | Independent | 27/04/2020

The French writer is best remembered for her seminal 1949 work 'The Second Sex'


The plague writers who predicted today | BBC | 14/04/2020

In times of confinement, Jane Ciabattari reviews several novels that talk about survival, isolation and community.

The Secret Cruelty of T. S. Eliot | The Atlantic | 06/04/2020

James Parker reviews in an article published in The Atlantic the double life of the writer T. S. Elliot, recently revealed from the love letters that his lover, Emily Hale, has recently published. 

Finding Comfort in the Classics | The New York Times | 30/03/2020

Editors and writers on the Books desk, along with NYT's journalists recommend some time-tested books that offer escape from the present moment. 
