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Workshop: Discrimination? Face up to it! )
Tools for detecting and combating discrimination in Barcelona (for educational environment)


What is it about?

The aim behind the workshop is to offer an introduction to the problems of discrimination in Barcelona, deal with the key concepts for understanding and identifying them and contribute numbers and accounts that put these problems in the city's actual context. Last but not least, it also aims to invite reflection on how such problems can be combated in our everyday lives and to explain the tools already at our disposal for taking on the fight. 

Who is it for?

The workshop has been designed by compulsory secondary education and baccalaureate students and is being offered not just in the neighbourhood’s schools (formal education) but in youth associations and organisations (informal education).

How will you do that?

It is offered in a face to face format and held in the municipal library or other facility, making the most of the programme from the exhibition entitled “La lluita contra les discriminacions a Barcelona” [The fight against discrimination in Barcelona]. It will combine theory with specific examples explained through audiovisual resources, testimonies and the exhibition.

How long is it?

1 hour

Who runs it?

Human Rights Resources Centre – CRDH