• Voices against racism Go to content
    Lend your voice to fight against racism
  • Discrimination Observatory Report Go to content
  • City Agreement on Human Rights Go to content
    Process to construct a major city agreement on human rights in Barcelona
  • Human Rights Resource Center Go to content
    Service for the public associations' network and the city's government bodies that works for the prevention, respect and protection of human rights in the city
    https://img.youtube.com/vi/V2lqmEbBi2g/0.jpg V2lqmEbBi2g
  • Barcelona with Ucraine Go to content
    Given the invasion of Ukraine and the resulting social emergency, Barcelona has made preparations to provide shelter and guarantee the rights of refugees in the city
  • The key could be a name Go to content

    Detecting evidence of discrimination in access to housing in Barcelona

    https://img.youtube.com/vi/osCzAZA-byc/0.jpg osCzAZA-byc


Follow the UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination in Barcelona live

03/12/2024 - 12:32 h

Antiracismo. It will feature the participation of Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO; Ana Redondo, Minister of Equality; Salvador Illa, President of the Generalitat, and Mayor Jaume...

Speaking out against racism

07/11/2024 - 16:12 h

Anti-racism. Barcelona presents the campaign “Voices against racism”, with sixty activities in November and through to the middle of December to generate debate and reflection and get people involved in the fight against racism.

New participatory budgets: decide what’s best for your neighbourhood

07/10/2024 - 11:45 h

Participation. The process allows members of the public to decide which district projects should get part of the municipal budget over the next four years (2024-2027).

Action plan

The “Barcelona, city of rights” programme is aimed at including the human-rights-based approach in public policies, and at designing and implementing policies on human rights based on thematic priorities, such as developing the right to the city and the human rights in the city, the fight against hate speech and discrimination and the work for full citizenship


The “Barcelona, city of rights” programme has different services aimed to effectively promote and guarantee human rights in the city under the principles of equality and non-discrimination, such as the Resource Center in Human Rights and the Office for Non-Discrimination