El bar Kike y Paca la Tomate

Secret Library

Narrated by Nazario, this new volume of the “Biblioteca Secreta” collection captures the memories and the photo album of a forgotten space, a vanished and roguish Barcelona that introduces us to an infinity of stories in which the often mythical characters, such as Paca la Tomate, go beyond even the realm of fiction. Nazario has been and remains one of the great chroniclers of Barcelona who rebelled against conventions and in defence of free sexuality, freedom of opinion, and action. After publishing his tales in some of the most prominent Iberian comic magazines and presenting countless exhibitions, he left his brushes behind to produce a historical map of what the seventies and eighties represented in a changing country. This is what he does in this book that is both nostalgic, yet replete with ongoing struggles.

Ciutat Vella

What are them saying

"El Periódico: 'Maricones contra el papa Wojtyla y otras aventuras de Nazario en la Barcelona de los 80'"


"elDiario.es: 'Las noches de Paca la Tomate, San Pollardino y otras locas memorias de la Barcelona 'underground' de Nazario'"


"A través d’aquest ascens i caiguda, amb la narració detallada dels mil saraus que organitzava la colla (exposicions, homenatges, festes d’aniversari, manifestacions, casoris performàtics, fotonovel·les) i amb una gran profusió de fotografies de l’època, Nazario ens reviu aquella moguda tan guapa, resplendent i canalla, delirant i passada de voltes, plena de drogues, sexe, música i art per la vena, de tot el que pot passar en un bar."

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Spanish
  • Year: 2021
  • Pages: 160
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Format: 28 x 21 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-279-5
  • Publishing distributor: Xarxa de Llibres



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