Barcelona. La metròpoli en l'era de la fotografia, 1860-2004
- Author/s
- Diversos autors
- Co-edition with
- Editorial RM
This book takes a historical look at Barcelona’s urban evolution and its growth in popularity through a collection of photographs taken during the so-called era of photography. It is a period which dates from the arrival of technical changes in the art form in the 1850s up until the tremendous boom in digital technologies: Internet, the mobile phone and social media at the end of the twentieth century to the start of the twenty-first. In terms of the city’s history, this period dates from the approval and start of the Cerdà plan up until the Universal Forum of Cultures in 2004, a crucial period of time in the history of the modern metropolis.
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Also available in: Spanish
- Year: 2016
- Pages: 216
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 24 x 30 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9850-852-9
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-16282-48-7
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