Sants-Montjuïc’s shops will be the stars in the new edition of “La Ruta del comerç divers a Barcelona”



The shops in Sants Montjuïc’s shopping hubs and their associations will be the stars of the new edition of a book being produced by Pimec Comerç this year as part of the “La ruta del comerç divers a Barcelona” (Diverse commerce route in Barcelona) project, with support from Barcelona City Council.

Two other editions have already been published, dealing with interculturality in Barcelona's retail trade and based on establishments in Esquerra de l’Eixample and Sant Antoni, and in Nou Barris, respectively.

“La ruta del comerç divers a Barcelona: Sants-Montjuïc” is a project in the “Nosaltres també som ciutat” collection. It will consist of 10 shops, shown through an interview and photo report.

In the course of September, the shops will be selected from the district and a start will be made on compiling the texts and taking the photographs, with the aim of having the book in readers’ hands by December.

The initiative reflects the aim of showing the diversity of shops in each of the city’s districts and the professionals who promote and keep these businesses going.

Interculturality and diversity

The purpose of this year’s new edition is to publicise the local shops in Sants-Montjuïc in the context of diversity and interculturality, as well as highlight the most sustainable, inclusive and modern aspects of the retail trade. The book will also include the initiatives being carried out by district shopping hubs and retailers’ associations in recognition of their involvement.

The shops that are to appear in the book will be selected on the basis of commercial quality, interculturality, location and gender equality.

So far, the following books have been published in the “Nosaltres també fem ciutat” collection:

1) Els comerciants xinesos a Barcelona [Chinese retailers in Barcelona]

2) Els emprenedors dominicans [Dominican entrepreneurs]

3) Els comerciants xinesos a Barcelona II [Chinese retailers in Barcelona II]

4) Horaris comercials i comerç nouvingut [Shop opening times and newcomer shops]

5) Barcelona, comerç divers: NOU i BO [Barcelona, diverse commerce: NEW and GOOD]

6) Les 9 fal·làcies del comerç nouvingut [The 9 fallacies of newcomer shops]

7) La ruta del comerç integrador a Barcelona: Nou Barris [The inclusive commerce route in Barcelona: Nou Barris]

8) La ruta del comerç divers a Barcelona: L'Esquerra de l'Eixample i Sant Antoni [The diverse commerce route in Barcelona: Esquerra de l’Eixample and Sant Antoni].