Talent Arena brings together the community of international developers during the Mobile World Congress

The event is being held from 3 to 5 March and centres on topics such as artificial intelligence, computer aided engineering, cloud computing, cybersecurity and future technologies such as quantic computing and NewSpace. Over 200 internationally renowned speakers will be taking part.

13/11/2024 - 16:42 h - Enterprise Ajuntament de Barcelona

Talent Arena is set to bring together developers, tech companies and education centres to promote learning, networking and professional growth in the digital sphere. The event offers over 20,000 square metres of exhibition space in hall 8 at the Fira de Barcelona Montjuïc site, after a pilot edition was held at this year’s Mobile World Congress.

Over 200 internationally renowned speakers will be taking part, such as:

  • Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple
  • Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion and promotor of AI
  • Sarah Novotny, expert in Open Source and former worker at Microsoft Azure Office
  • Cristian Canton, head of AI at Meta
  • Lauren Lyon, former Senior Developer Engineer at Space X, Blue Horizon and Starlink

Talent Arena will also include the GSMA Open Gateway hackathon and the DevCon summit, with sessions aimed at developers to explore the potential of network APIs and how they can revolutionise the development of digital experiences.

The event aims to reaffirm Barcelona as a global leader in the digital sector.

Registration form https://talentarena.tech/es/formulario-de-inscripcion/

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