- When: Permanent event
- Where:Museu de la Música - L'Auditori

Find all the resources available in the city to boost innovation and digitalisation such as grants, training, advice, technological tools, and more.
The annual report on digital talent promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona with the aim of discovering the impact and evolution of the digital talent gap, global trends and the analysis of different emerging technologies.
Its role will be to advise the City Council on the use of artificial intelligence for the common good and to propose projects to make Barcelona a leader in technological humanism.
Barcelona has launched the MareNostrum 5, the most advanced supercomputer in Europe, and will be home to prominent chip design centers.
Featured projects
Map of resources to boost digitisation in the city
Find all the resources available in the city to boost innovation and digitalisation such as grants, training, advice, technological tools, and more.
With this tool we want to make the municipal projects and resources for boosting digital skills and strengthening digitisation in all areas more accessible to the public.

05/02/2025 - 12:41 h Employment and jobs, City Council City’s first hub for economic activity to open in the spring
The Palo Alto BCN XRLAB is a strategic facility in the sphere of audiovisuals.
03/02/2025 - 15:40 h Smart City Barcelona cements itself as a hub for the ICT sector in Catalonia, with more than 85,000 jobs
It is estimated that the Information and Communication sector - which includes ICTs - generated 9.1% of Barcelona’s gross value added in 2023.
31/01/2025 - 15:19 h Science Barcelona will host a new quantum computer at the BSC-CNS
The BSC-CNS will soon be equipped with a total of two quantum systems, offering unique tools for advanced research and innovation to users across Europe, including the industrial sector, the public sector, and the entire scientific community.
31/01/2025 - 11:52 h Enterprise, Smart City Barcelona City Council reaffirms its commitment to creativity and local talent at ISE
Barcelona City Council is reaffirming its support for the city's audiovisual ecosystem and is participating in the new edition of Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), which will be held at the Gran Via venue of Fira de Barcelona, from 4 to 7 February.
'La música i les noves tecnologies'. Visites per a escoles
Espai d'autoservei al Punt multimèdia de la Marina (Espai Maker)
- When: Permanent event
- Where:FAB de la Casa del Rellotge
Taller ''American Space. Club maker 2024/2025''
- When: Del 01/10/2024 al 20/05/2025
- Where:Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra - American Space Barcelona
Taller 'Acadèmia Maker'
- When: Del 18/09/2024 al 11/06/2025
- Where:Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí