KIC Urban Mobility
Urban mobility is one of the priority challenges for all governments.
Urban mobility is one of the priority challenges of all governments, if not the most important. At stake are the quality of life of citizens, coexistence and well-being. To find the answer collectively, Barcelona has been - since the end of 2018 - part of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC - Comunitats del Coneixement i la Innovació) in urban mobility with an investment of 400 million euros from Europe.
To carry out this macro-project, the MOBILus consortium has been created, made up of 48 cities from 15 countries, 12 companies and 18 universities - such as the Politècnica de Catalunya and Seat. All the partners have proposed to rethink how to invest public resources more efficiently in mobility.
The MOBILus headquarters is Ca l'Alier, in the district of Sant Martí. The superhighways, the reconfiguration of the bus network, the increase in the city's cycling infrastructure, the regulation of personal mobility vehicles on an international level, the management of drop-off and pick-up vehicles and the work to establish regulations on shared mobility (sharing) have all contributed to Barcelona's leadership in this European consortium and technological innovation.