Nearly ninety steps to tackle unwanted loneliness
02/04/2023 - 10:01
Unwanted loneliness is a global problem in today’s society. Individualism, modernity, urban development and the Covid-19 crisis have all made the problem worse. The municipal strategy to combat loneliness was launched in 2020 and will run until 2024, with initiatives to mitigate the problem.
Unwanted loneliness has always been linked with elderly people, but recent years show it has dropped among the over-65s. In contrast, the phenomenon has increased among all other age groups, particularly young people. Specifically, 9% of young people between the ages of 16 and 24 and 7.4% of people between the ages of 24 and 35 affirm they feel lonely often or very often. Among those aged from 35 to 64, loneliness affects around 3% people.
The Action Plan 2020-2024 reached its halfway point in 2022. In addition to the initial 71 measures planned, 19 new ones have been added and just two have not been possible to implement. As a result, the plan includes 88 actions, of which 42 have now been applied, 39 are currently being implemented and just 7 are still to be started.
2022: a year of action against unwanted loneliness
Some of the most notable actions in 2022 included the first Barcelona International Loneliness Conference, which brought together some eighty experts from around the world and nearly 800 attendees. The awareness campaign “Contra la soledat, reconnectem” helped towards the destigmatisation of loneliness and broader awareness on social media and in the city, with a self-conducted loneliness test in Pl. Universitat, taken by over 250 people.
The website Barcelona contra la Soledat has also become a point of reference on this issue, attracting over 25,500 visits. Two books have also been presented: Les soledats. Reflexions, causes i efectes and 15 miradas a la soledad, sharing experiences and strategies and helping readers to reflect on the feeling of loneliness.
The card game Antídots is one of the resources rolled out to prevent, detect and address loneliness, offering a play-based initiative to tackle it, generating solidarity responses and exploring creative and imaginative alternatives.
A guide has also been published for professionals working with young people. Entitled Guia per a la prevenció, detecció i acompanyament d’adolescents i joves en situacions de soledat, the guide helps with detecting and managing loneliness among this group.
As for elderly people, the BCN+65 app was launched and attracted six thousand users in three months. The app includes the VinclesBCN service.