Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council Awards, 2024 call

Applications open
Submission period:

From September 10 to October 14, 2024 (both included)

Information website:
Go to website
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

The Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council Awards (CMIB) comprise:

  • The Award, which aims to recognise the work carried out or the ongoing projects that have stood out or are of special interest in the field of social inclusion and the achievement of full citizenship for immigrant persons, as well as encouraging diversity, harmony and social cohesion, in accordance with the general terms and conditions approved by Barcelona City Council on 12 June 2009, and published in BOP No. 145, of 18 June 2009, subsequently amended by the Mayoral Decree of 10 May 2010, published in BOP No. 118 of 18 May.

Theme agreed upon by the CMIB for 2024: young people from diverse backgrounds in the city of Barcelona.

  • The Special Mention is awarded in public recognition of an organisation that, as a member of the CMIB, has distinguished itself through its active participation, collaboration and contribution to understanding within the Council during the year of publication of the specific terms and conditions.

Projects will be accepted for the Award from individuals registered as Barcelona residents, as well as from groups, associations, or other non-profit organisations with their head office in Barcelona; from organisations and groups with a branch office in Barcelona, provided they carry out activities in the city; and from individuals, groups and organisations that do not have their head office or a branch office in Barcelona but can demonstrate that their projects have an impact on the people of Barcelona.

The period for submitting proposals starts on 10 September and ends on 14 October 2024.

Applications open
Submission period:

From September 10 to October 14, 2024 (both included)

Information website:
Go to website
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]