Grant call for Escoles + Sostenibles 2019-2022

To be justified
Submission period:

From June 05 to July 15, 2019 (both included)

Ecology and sustainability
Access procedure:
Online procedure

Last update:

The aim of these subsidies is to offer schools and colleges catering for all levels and age groups in the city of Barcelona resources to develop an educational action plan on sustainability. The plan should span one or three school years and will form part of the ‘Barcelona Escoles + Sostenibles’ programme.

Applicants must present the following documents, duly stamped and signed, within the specified application period:

• Basic document 1: application form for the subsidy. This contains a statement of compliance, which replaces the administrative document at the time the application is made.

• Basic document 2 - Project description. This is a PDF document, generated by the project editor and available at the Escoles + Sostenibles website. It should be presented together with basic document 1.

To be justified
Submission period:

From June 05 to July 15, 2019 (both included)

Ecology and sustainability
Access procedure:
Online procedure