Subsidies for companies, as part of the 2024 Barcelona Job Creation programme

Applications open
Submission period:

From May 29 to October 31, 2024 (both included)

Economy and enterprise
Information website:
Go to website
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

The 2024 Barcelona Job Creation programme is a new initiative for boosting quality job creation in the city. The general aim is to foster the recruitment of some 335 people who are either unemployed or working as researchers / studying for a doctorate, and it has various specific objectives such as revitalising the labour market by supporting companies with job creation capacity, promoting the growth of beneficiary companies and also facilitating integration into the labour market of people who are unemployed and lack professional experience or who have been out of work for a long time, those who have difficulties related to their age or who belong to collectives identified as being at risk of social exclusion. At the same time, it seeks to enable people from a scientific/research background to make progress in terms of gaining qualifications, and achieving academic and professional excellence, using their talent in the research projects of companies and entities in Barcelona related to innovation and the continuous improvement of their products and services.

The programme offers four lines of subsidies:

  • Crea Feina Joves 2024 [Youth Job Creation 2024], to foster the hiring of people who, at the time their contract was submitted for this subsidy, were under the age of 30, unemployed and living in Barcelona. 

  • Crea Feina Sèniors 2024 [Senior Job Creation 2024] aimed at unemployed people over 45 years of age who are out of work and living in Barcelona. The measure offers higher subsidies to the long-term unemployed or people over 55 years of age.

  • Crea Feina Inclusiva 2024 [Inclusive Job Creation 2024], to foster the recruitment of unemployed people over 30 years of age who live in Barcelona, and who may be considered at risk of social exclusion, in accordance with the Mayoral Decree of 24 April 2017 on sustainable public procurement and subsequent updates.

  • Crea Feina Investiga 2024 [Research Job Creation 2024], to foster the inclusion of research talent into the city's production network, as a way of increasing competitiveness. The aim is to facilitate this type of job contract, offering major subsidies for one year of employment, with a suitable minimum level of remuneration. The plan is to hire scientific and research personnel who already have their PhDs (post-doctorate).

Above all, the implementation of the Crea Feina Barcelona 2024 programme will focus on its promotion among companies involved in the third sector and the social and cooperative economy, as well as businesses that are active in one of the strategic sectors identified by Barcelona City Council in the 2020-2030 Barcelona Green Deal, and especially in technological hubs. Special attention will also be given to parity in terms of gender and the inclusion of women in the various profiles.

For more information and queries on the subsidies for companies from the 2024 Barcelona Job Creation programme, visit the website.

Application and documentation submission period: 29 May (9.00 am) to 31 October 2024.

Applications open
Submission period:

From May 29 to October 31, 2024 (both included)

Economy and enterprise
Information website:
Go to website
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]