Subsidies for companies within the framework of the 2023 Crea Feina+ Barcelona programme

In progress / resolved
Submission period:

From May 10 to November 03, 2023 (both included)

Economy and enterprise
Information website:
Go to website [Es]
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

The 2023 Crea Feina+ Barcelona programme is a Barcelona City Council initiative to generate employment in the city. While its general aim is to promote the hiring of about 300 unemployed people, it also has various specific aims, such as stimulating the job market by supporting companies with the capacity to create jobs, helping beneficiary companies grow, and helping unemployed people enter the labour market, with a particular focus on those with particular job placement difficulties, such as young people, over-45s and women, as well as those falling under some of the groups identified as being at risk of social exclusion. There will be a special focus on promoting this measure among companies that undertake their activity in one of the sectors Barcelona City Council considers to be strategic and on gender parity in its distribution, although this does not mean that these companies would have priority in accessing the subsidy.

The criteria for determining the order of access to the subsidy, where necessary, will be the chronological order in which the applications are submitted to the municipal register until all the funds assigned to the programme have been allocated. Once the full programme budget has been allocated, the submission of an application will not result in the right to or receipt of a subsidy.

For more information or any queries, visit the website of the Crea Feina+ Barcelona 2023 programme

Submission period: from 11 May to 3 November 2023, both dates included.

In progress / resolved
Submission period:

From May 10 to November 03, 2023 (both included)

Economy and enterprise
Information website:
Go to website [Es]
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]