Subsidies for installing approved platforms for pavement terraces in the city of Barcelona

To be justified
Submission period:

From April 04 to May 17, 2022 (both included)

Trade, markets and consumption
Economy and enterprise
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office

Last update:

The subject matter of this call for subsidy applications is the award of subsidies on a non-competitive basis, intended for (natural or legal) persons that own a restaurant, bar or café establishment and the like, that have had a permit for an approved pavement terrace granted within the framework of Covid-19 exceptional terrace decrees, that obtain a new permit for installing an approved pavement terrace, in accordance with the Sole Transitory Provision of the Terraces Byelaw granted final approval at Barcelona City Council’s Full Municipal Council Meeting of 23 December 2021, published in the Barcelona Official Province Gazette (BOPB) on 29 December of that same year, and that meeting the terms, conditions and requirements set out in Sections 5, 6 and 7 of this call for subsidy applications.

The following expenses are deemed eligible for subsidies:

  • Expenses relating to the supply, transport and assembly of the pavement’s extension platform for the purposes of installing a terrace there in accordance with the four approved models.

  • Duly justified technical procedural and replanning expenses (such as management expenses, expenses corresponding to the fees of the professional expert staff involved and the like).

  • Expenses for purchasing the mandatory platform as a basic element of the pavement terrace.

The date of presentation of the justification, in any case, will be no later than July 31, 2023. The investment expense(s) of the approved terrace installation on the driveway must have been made within the deadline between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. However, the beneficiaries will justify the application of the Funds received with the contribution of the invoice(s) of the expenditure incurred. The invoice/s must have been issued no later than March 31, 2023.

The application submission period: from 4 April to 17 May, first and last dates included.

To be justified
Submission period:

From April 04 to May 17, 2022 (both included)

Trade, markets and consumption
Economy and enterprise
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office