Open Budget

Open Budget

Here you will find the detail of the income and expenses of the City Council


Budget Execution

Budget Execution

This section enables you to check the budget execution status according to several perspectives and classifications and also gives you access to important documents relating to the Council's budgets.

What is the Municipal Budget?

What is the Municipal Budget?

In this section you'll be able to learn more about the basic concepts and elements concerning the Budgets of the Barcelona City Council.

2024 Budget

2024 Budget

Here you will find all the information and documentation about the 2024 budget definitively approved as of April 30, 2024.


Previous Outturn Budgets

Previous Outturn Budgets

You can gain access here to the various documents on the outturn budgets of the years preceding the current financial year.

Consolidated Budgets and budgets of depending entities

Consolidated Budgets and budgets of depending entities

You can take a look to the City Council consolidated Budgets (initial and outturn figures) (giving a "group view" of the City Council with its depending entities) according to the different existing consolidation perimeters and also to the budgets of each of the depending entities of the City Council.

Economic-budgetary planning

Economic-budgetary planning

This sections allows you to take a look to the budgetary planning and programming of the City Council.

Budget transparency indicators

Budget transparency indicators

This section shows series of summary indicators that enable the main features of the municipal budgets and the City Council's economic and budgetary situation to be described and analysed both annually and in terms of their evolution (including the indicators of "Transparencia Internacional España").

Budget and financial statistical series

Budget and financial statistical series

For the purposes of giving an evolutionary analysis of the municipal budgets, this section provides information on a series of budgetary data, for both revenues and expenditures.

Budget stability goals accomplishment

Budget stability goals accomplishment

In this section it is shown the accomplishment of the goals set by the budget stability regulations.

Fiscals ordinances

Fiscals ordinances

In this section you can consult the fiscal ordinances (revenue regulations) of the municipal revenues.

Municipal investments

Municipal investments

This section provides you information and documentation relating to the municipal capital expenditures (investments).

Effective cost

Effective cost

In this section you can access to the documentation related to the effective cost of services.

Budget calculator

Budget calculator

The budget calculator enables you to plan the city budget in four steps.

European Funds

European Funds

In this section you can access to the documentation related to European Funds