Carme Montoriol Awards for Playwriting

20 October, 2019 - 00:01 to 4 November, 2019 - 14:00

Open call for 4 grants to develop a theatre project over 2 months


The Carme Montoriol awards for playwriting are being offered as part of the Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura de la UNESCO programme for the year 2020.


All relevant information about this open call can be found in the rules.

Arts Discipline


Target Candidate

Playwrights/theatre authors of any nationality who have at least one work performed on the professional circuit over the last 5 years. The grant winners must be aged over 18. 

Length of Residency

Grant-awarded authors will have access to a free work space to develop the submitted and selected theatre project over a period of two months.


The work space will be available during two periods throughout the year: March-June 2020 (spring session) and September-November 2020 (autumn session), which will be assigned in agreements with what is set out in point nine of the rules.


Work spaces are available in the following establishments/institutions:  

  • Escenari Brossa - Fundació Brossa
  • Nau Ivanow
  • Sala Beckett
  • Teatre Tantarantana


Each author will have access to a work space with table and chair. The writer must bring their own computer.

Application Deadline

4 November 2019, 2pm

Benefits and Endowments

Selected authors will receive the sum of 1500€ per month for two months. The total sum of each award, therefore, will be 3000€ to be paid in two parts in line with what is set out in point twelve of the rules.


Travel and maintenance costs for these two months must be met by the author.


Grant holders must:

  • Respect the operational norms and timetables of the venue hosting the residency and keep regular attendance there
  • Participate in the final open session of the residency alongside the winners of the Montserrat Roig grants
  • Submit the playwriting/theatre project carried out in the residency (even if it isn’t fully completed) to the Institut de Cultura once the residency has ended
  • If the work is to be performed, make sure the credits in the programme include the phrase “Aquesta obra va rebre una Beca Carme Montoriol de Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura – Institut de Cultura – Ajuntament de Barcelona”, in accordance with the regulations of the corresponding corporate image


Grant holders may:

  • Participate in the dynamic of the relevant arts factory/lab and in some of their activities: open rehearsals, dramatic readings, premieres, round tables or workshops or any other type of event or activity in which the award winners might bring their experience or from which they can or wish to learn.

Selection Criteria

  • Degree of definition and precision of project (maximum score: 10 points )
  • Literary quality of the sample of text submitted by applicant (maximum score: 10 points)  
  • Applicant’s CV (maximum score 5 points)



The maximum score possible for each submitted project will be 25 points.


The selection committee will be comprised of:

  • Director of Escenari Brossa or individual officially delegated
  • Director of Nau Ivanow or individual officially delegated
  • Director of Sala Beckett or individual officially delegated
  • Director of Tantarantana or individual officially delegated
  • An individual appointed by the Oficina Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura

Application Submission

Authors interested in applying for this award must submit an application that follows the model found in appendix 1 of the rules or at the Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura website:


To this application form should be added the following documentation:

  • Photocopy of DNI/NIE/Passport
  • CV of applicant (maximum 2 pages)
  • Document proving that applicant has one performed work in the last 5 years showing:
  1. Author
  2. Title
  3. Performance dates
  4. Production venue
  • Statement and description of project to be carried out in the two-month period (maximum 3 pages)
  • Extract of project to be developed over this period (maximum 5 pages)


This documentation can be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English

Other related grants