Fundació Banc Sabadell Arts Research Grant- Hangar

21 September, 2018 - 00:01 to 31 October, 2018 - 23:59

Hangar, a production and research centre for the visual arts, and Fundació Banc Sabadell have announced calls for applications for a grant to develop an arts research project at Hangar.


Consult grant details for more information about the organizations involved.


 Create a research space where methodologies from the academic tradition, based to a greater or lesser degree on the scientific model, converge in radical ways with methodologies particular to arts contexts.



  • Promote experimentation in the field of arts research and the critical exploration of its methodologies.
  • Facilitate the necessary resources for the completion of arts research projects.
  • Contribute to the characterization of the concept of artistic knowledge.
  • Encourage the documentation, publication and diffusion of research in the arts.

Target Candidate

  • Researchers in any field (arts or non-arts) and of any age or gender, either of Spanish nationality or resident in Spain, who are currently undertaking a project related to arts research.
  • The call for applications will consider arts research projects in any stage of completion that require the context and/or services provided by Hangar for their development and which, in addition, incorporate acts through which the process of creation is opened and shared and knowledge generated.

Length of Grant

The duration of the grant is for eight consecutive months between February and December 2019. Specific and concrete dates will be established by mutual agreement between Hangar and the selected project.

Main Venue

C/ Emilia Coranty, 16 (formerly Passatge Marquès de Sta. Isabel, 40)
Can Ricart
08018 Barcelona

Application Deadline

31 October 2018


1. The application must be submitted by sending one pdf file to the following email address:


2. Each candidate can submit one project to the application process.

3. Candidates must have Spanish nationality or be resident in Spain.

4. The grant organizers will make available to the beneficiary:

  • Fees: 9 750 Euros gross.
  • A production grant of up to 4 000 Euros gross.
  • A return fare to and from Barcelona for the grant holder of up to 250 Euros
  • Accommodation and work space at Hangar.
  • Technical support for the development and production of the project.


Obligations of the selected project with Hangar and Fundació Banc Sabadell

  • Carry out a presentation of the project during the residency period at Hangar.
  • Deliver a final report of the project and an assessment of the residency within two months of its completion.
  • Include the logos of Fundació Banc Sabadell and Hangar on all promotional material related to the project.


The selection committee will comprise:

  • One member of Fundació Banc Sabadell
  • One member of the AAVC Private Foundation Board,
  • Hangar Management
  • One member of the Hangar Programme Committee
  • Coordination of Hangar Research Area

Assessment Criteria

The selection committee will evaluate projects according to:

  • Fit of the research to the lines of work pursued by Fundació Banc Sabadell and Hangar.
  • Viability and potential of the project’s development at Hangar.
  • Appropriateness, relevance and interest of the project.
  • Arts trajectory or research experience.


Application Submission Deadline: 31 October 2018 at 23:59 h (GMT +1).
Resolution of Selection Process: end November 2018
Residency Period: between February and December 2019. To be decided with Hangar.

Application Submission

The application should be made by sending one pdf file to this email address:


The document must include the following information:

1. Personal Details

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Full Address (please include city and country)
  • Telephone Number
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality


2. Brief biography specifying the applicant’s principal lines of research and work (up to 500 characters including spaces)


3. CV (up to 1500 characters including spaces).


4. Project Description, including:

  • Synopsis of Project (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
  • Related Tags (maximum 10 tags)
  • Aims (up to 1000 characters including spaces)
  • Anticipated Results (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
  • Methodology (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
  • How the project will be documented and shared (up to 1000 characters including spaces)
  • Timetable and Work plan
  • Technical Requirements


5. Specify why the project needs to be carried out at Hangar


6. For projects outside the arts field, specify how methodologies pertinent to arts research will be involved.


7. Letter of reference with project appraisal


8. A maximum of 5 images of the project (optional).


Applications sent without the required information and/or that exceed the stated length will not be accepted.
The contents of the applications can be submitted in Catalan or Spanish.
The selection committee might contact shortlisted artists for an interview.

Contact information: 

Marta Gracia

T. 0034 93 308 40 41 ext. 26

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