Grant – ‘Contrapicada’

1 October, 2019 - 00:01 to 21 November, 2019 - 23:59

Moving image platform Hamaca is awarding a grant for the creation, distribution and dissemination of experimental audio-visual projects.


The aim of these grants is to bring to fruition radical projects with unrestricted scope in terms of proposals’ typology, with the exception of shorts and fiction feature films.

Arts Discipline


Target Candidate

Participation is open to people resident in Spain and aimed at individual or collective creators of any age.

Awarding Organisation


Application Deadline

21 November 2019

Grant Features

Projects submitted must be original ones, with value being attached to the solidity of each project and the importance of their completion for the trajectory of participants.

Benefits and Endowments

A grant will be awarded. The project selected from this open call will receive a financial endowment of 7000 euros intended in its entirety for the production of a work. The projection may benefit from additional funding to that awarded by Hamaca, provided that it does not exceed 25000 euros. The grant is subject to the deductions stipulated by current legislation (to be subtracted from this financial endowment) and will be awarded by Hamaca once a contract of acceptance has been formally signed.


The successful project can expect production support from Hamaca; as well as a residency of up to three months, if necessary, at Fabra i Coats – Arts Factory and Centre of Contemporary Art, and support from Hangar’s teams and production spaces.


The artist will have a maximum period of 9 months to carry out their audiovisual project, after which they will have to submit it with a brief report. The piece, the rights to which will be the property of its author, will then become part of Hamaca’s archive and distributed non-exclusively by the platform. To this end there will be an organised curated screening programme to invest the work with a socio-political and cultural framework and the work will then be disseminated through the network of the Cervantes Institutes.


Selection of the grant-awarded project will be made by a committee made up of members of the participating institutions and/or experts in the field of audiovisual art:

  • Nancy Garín, research and member of Equip re
  • Virginia García del Pino, director and tutor on the Masters in Documentary Filmmaking at the UAB
  • Joana Hurtado, director of Fabra i Coats – Arts Factory and Centre of Contemporary Art in Barcelona
  • María José Magaña, Instituto Cervantes.


Application Submission Deadline: 21 November 2019
Decision: 12 December

Application Submission

Proposals must be submitted using the online form with the relevant fields completed at the following link:


Requested documents should be attached to the application form.


Information Required:

  • Basic applicant details
  • Career trajectory
  • Project synopsis
  • Development of project
  • Plan of action and timetable
  • Budget
  • Example of two prior audio-visual production in digital format

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