Open Call for ‘Censura’, an Arts Research Lab by La Central del Circ and the CCCB

17 June, 2019 - 00:01 to 7 July, 2019 - 23:59

Censura is an arts research lab centred on theatre art/playwriting. The name refers to the central topic in the following description but not necessarily to the title of the show, which will be chosen jointly during the workshop.


Censura (Censure): to prohibit, forbid (‘interdir’). And also to ‘inter-dir’, say things between two spaces. How will we do it? By imposing restrictions of all kinds on ourselves to subsequently seek and find cracks that allow us to negotiate prohibitions, thus fostering reflection on two aspects: which limitations are imposed on us by circumstances of performance and which do we impose upon ourselves during the creative process?


In line with a protocol partially determined in advance and partly invented during the workshop, efforts will be made to write and edit a stage show that will be performed on 5 October 2019 at the theatre of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB).

Arts Discipline


Target Candidate

The following are being sought:

  • 6 circus artists: the CCCB Theatre can host all circus disciplines except wire, trapeze/cloud swing, Russian bar and flying trapeze.
  • 1 musician or sound designer
  • 1 lighting designer
  • 1 costume designer
  • 1 dancer
  • 1 actor
  • 1 artist whose specialism not fit into the categories of use (circus performer, ventriloquist, etc.)

Workshop Duration

The workshop will be held from 23 September to 5 October 2019

Workshop/Lab Features

  • Workspaces will include the staging room, the Sala Petita (small room) and, reserved for the costume designer, the music room of La Central del Circ. Occasionally the rehearsal room may be used and other spaces to be agreed upon.
  • The communal workshop languages will be English and French.
  • The workshop will be led by Jean-Michel Guy, Roberto Magro and Johnny Torres. (More information on the facilitators of the workshop can be found at the rules


The workshop (and its resultant performance) will explore and bring into question what is forbidden and the concept of norms:

  • Social norms, which form part of cultural logic and are implicitly accepted.
  • The norms of aesthetic canons of artworks which obey norms and formal dictats often related to considerations of the market.
  • Behavioural ordinance or norms, dictated by competent authorities, non-compliance with which results in a sanction

(Description of exercises and their raisons d’être and the staging in the rules)

Main Venue

La Central del Circ
Moll de la Vela, 2
08930 Barcelona


C/ Montalegre, 5
08001 Barcelona


7 July 2019, 11:59pm


The selection of participants (6 circus, 1 dance, 1 theatre, 1 costume, 1 lighting, 1 soundtrack, 1 unclassifiable) will be the responsibility of the facilitators/workshop leaders.

Assessment Criteria

Selection criteria for participants includes: motivation, availability, professional experience and values of fairness, alongside:

  • Good technical level in the field of dance, theatre, other modes of expression, lighting design, soundtracks and circus art.
  • Profile of author or creator, with capacity and natural ability to bring and develop original artistic ideas as well as work in a team.
  • There will be no criteria of social identity, sex, age or nationality.


(General specifications of these criteria can be found at the rules)


The same individual may apply for various fields in separate forms.


Application Submission Deadline: 7 July 2019, 11:59pm
Open Call Decision: from 22 July 2019
Arts Workshop Period: 23 September – 5 October 2019

Application Submission

The application can only be submitted via the online application form, which includes responding to a questionnaire and supplying images and/or a video allowing consultation of the applying artist’s works (in this case, preferably websites or other links).


The questionnaire aims to understand the artistic motivations of the artist via concise and clear questions. The aim is to make things easier when it comes to choosing applicants and, where they are accepted, draft the contract that will serve as a basis for work during the lab/workshop.


Please access the application form at this link:


Contact information: 

For any doubt or aspect of this open call and the Censura workshop, please contact Johnny Torres at

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