Hangar Production Grants 2019

1 June, 2019 - 00:01 to 8 July, 2019 - 23:59

Hangar, a Barcelona centre for production and research in the visual arts, ​​has opened its call for applications for three production grants. With these grants, Hangar is offering artists a budget, space and the requisite technical conditions for the production of a work-in-progress and a contribution to its dissemination in a professional setting.

Arts Discipline


Target Candidate

Participation in this open call is open to all artists resident in Catalonia and is aimed at individual and collective creators working in the field of contemporary creation. In the case of collectives, a project leader should be established.


The production grants are aimed at artists whose projects are original and unpublished or not yet exhibited; particular value will be attached to the solidity of the project and its adaptation to the budget and timetable proposed in the dossier submitted with the grant application.


Note: one of the three places in this open call will be reserved for resident artists at Hangar.

Benefits and Endowments

  • Financial allowance of 5000 per grant (non-accumulative) for the development of the chosen projects.
  • Technical advice and support for the production.


Note: Where a project requires exclusive technical support, the costs of Hangar technical staff will be added to the production budget.

Residency Venue

C/ Emilia Coranty, 16
Can Ricart
08018 Barcelona

Application Deadline

8 July 2019, midnight (GTM+ 1)


  • Grant awardees will sign a contract covering usage of Hangar spaces and accept the conditions of habitual use of technical equipment and material.
  • The results of the grant awards will be made public and the project will be carried out at Hangar within the framework of Paratexts (dates to be decided between each artist and Hangar), without detriment to any other submissions that applicants may have pending.
  • These grants are compatible with other prizes and subsidies, with the exception of this particular open call.
  • The project must be completed with a maximum period of 3 months, with an obligatory deadline of 31 December 2019.
  • Costs subsidised by the grant must be accounted for within three months of the project’s completion.
  • Each artist may submit their application with one project only.
  • The Hangar logo will be included as co-producer in credits and all types of promotional material for dissemination of future exhibitions. The projects and consequent images may be communicated in any format in the context of the grant.


Participation in this grant award process assumes an acceptance of its rules and the decision of the jury, as well as any changes which, due to factors beyond Hangar’s control, may later arise.


Project selection will be the responsibility of Hangar’s Programmes Committee. The decision will be made know during the second half of July 2019.

Assessment Criteria

The jury will assess and value projects according to the following information submitted:

  • Conceptual aspect of proposal
  • Project description
  • Defence of project’s relevance and importance
  • Assessment of applicant’s work portfolio
  • Work plan
  • Technical and financial viability

Application Submission

To register as a candidate for this grant award, please send an email to marzia@hangar.org with the heading “Beca de producció Hangar”, attaching a dossier in pdf format containing the following fields:


  • Arts CV (maximum 1500 characters, spaces included).
  • Concept proposal (maximum 2000 characters, spaces included).
  • Detailed description of the project to be funded by the grant (maximum 2000 characters, spaces included).
  • Defence of the project’s importance and relevance. This will include information on how the project will develop and strengthen the artist’s work portfolio (maximum 2000 characters, spaces included)
  • Work plan, specifying anticipated results, final format and a timetable from completion within a maximum period of three months, which includes a forecast of costs related to carrying out the project (maximum 2000 characters, spaces included).
  • Technical and space requirements to be covered by Hangar (maximum 1500 characters, spaces included).
  • Detailed budget estimate including costs forecast in terms of fees, materials, technical staff, renting of spaces and staff (both from Hangar and external). The need for and assessment of these estimated costs must be justified, bearing in mind the work plan outlined in the report and its typology.
  • Selection of 10 images of completed projects.
  • Photocopy of DNI (identity card) of the applicant or of each project member in the case of collectives.

Contact information: 

Tel. +34 93 308 40 41 ext. 27

Tel. +34 93 308 40 41 ext. 22

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