La Central del Circ Arts Director - Vacancy

1 November, 2019 - 00:01 to 12 January, 2020 - 23:59

Working within the management team of this institution, the Arts Director selects arts content and outlines the main contours for programmes, projects and activities under development at the centre.

It is vital, therefore, that this figure ensures that arts content proposed by the centre is tailored to the current context, bearing in mind the history of La Central and its proven status within the sector; and, furthermore, that this content is clearly oriented in terms of research, creation and the generation of knowledge within circus arts.


More details about the role of Arts Director, here.


On Wednesday 11 December La Central del Circ will host an information session concerning this post.

Key Roles

  • Definition of La Central’s artistic project, in conjunction with the Coordination Team and with the approval of the APCC Board of Directors;
  • Selection and arts backing for resident companies in partnership with La Central’s Arts Board;
  • Generation of activities promoting interaction between artists using the centre in conjunction with the rest of the team;
  • Participation in  committees and other selection processes, either internal or with partnering organisations at local or European level;
  • Development of the annual activities programme proposal in partnership with La Central del Circ’s team;
  • Participation in meetings with the APCC Board of Directors as an invited member of the Board; 
  • Represent La Central del Circ – in local, national and international contexts –   in order to establish relationship and partnership networks with the region, creation centres and cultural institutions, etc.;
  • Participation in the design and execution of La Central del Circ’s international projects.

Arts Discipline


Target Candidate


  • Must have a circus background and experience in the field of artistic direction;
  • Must display knowledge of the context of Catalan and international circus;
  • Must be capable of self-development in at least Spanish and English; the ability to speak Catalan and other languages will be highly valued;
  • Must be available to travel;
  • Must show capacity for working as part of a team;
  • Must have technical knowledge in the field of circus and performing arts.


La Central del Circ
Moll de la Vela, 2
08930 Barcelona

Application Deadline

12 January 2020.

Assessment Criteria

Candidates must have:

  • Experience in the field of cultural management;
  • Negotiating ability and strategic vision;
  • Ability to organise and work on own initiative;
  • Skills in leadership and conflict resolution.


The post is envisaged as being for 33 hours per week, with a flexible working schedule. These hours will be divided between office duties, trips and meetings, and backing and assistance for resident companies. If the post is shared between more than one person the best way of organising each working day in relation to the tasks of each individual will be assessed through joint consultation.


The gross monthly salary will be 2140 € distributed into 12 payments, while the contract will be according to “work and service”. If the post is shared between more than one individual, the most apt way of establishing the contract will be assessed through joint consultation. Also, in this case, the salary will have to be divided between the different individuals.


The post will start in February 2020.


The post will initially last for three years, with the possibility of a further 1-year extension; a 3-month probation period will be established.


A first assessment of candidates will be carried out by the Central del Circ’s team.


A second phase will see the creation of a committee made up of:

  • Artists involved in projects at La Central del Circ who have taken part actively in one or more activities or vehicles for arts creation or have formed part of the group driving forward one of the centre’s projects (2)
  • Members of the APCC Board of Directors (2)
  • Members of La Central’s Arts Committee (2)
  • Staff at La Central del Circ (2/3, depending on the stage in the process).


This committee will assess candidates and offer interviews with applicants it considers suitable to further selection of the ideal candidate for the post.


The selection of people who will be on the committee will be made in the following manner:

  • Individuals from the APCC Board will be appointed by the board itself;
  • Individuals from La Central’s team will be management and project manager. At the reading projects stage, the current artistic direction will also take part;
  • Artists will be selected by public open call and assessed by the La Central team.

Application Submission

Candidates must submit their application with the following documentation:


  • Project around which to reflect on the future impact and artistic position of La Central del Circ. Its implications at local, national and international levels should be taken into consideration, and thought given to its trajectory up until now;
  • Letter of intent giving reasons for applying for this post;
  • CV.


Applications should be sent using this form before 12 January 2020.

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