Nexes / Poble Nou

From 15 February, 2019 - 00:01 to 22 March, 2019 - 13:00

Open call for a project launched by Idensitat and La Escocesa around the central concept: “In transition-work”. The main objective consists in opening a pathway of arts research that can explore the transformations and new imaginaries affecting concepts such as “work”, “worker”, “creative class”, “factory”, “production” “creative industries”, “unemployment”, “short-term/part-time/zero hours contracts”, “division of labour” “enterprise”, “insecurity”, “offshoring”, and other related words and the relationships between them. At the same time, there is a wish to experiment with starting up processes involving individuals and collectives from the Poble Nou area of Barcelona, at all times within the procedural logic of the project. The theme proposed is tailored to the particular space of La Escocesa and the Poble Nou neighbourhood, places that are currently in transition and immersed in a process affecting as much the form as the activities and relationships being developed there. This initiative aims to foster the growth of networks linking research, experimentation, arts practices and social space. 

Arts Discipline

Research and experimentation in visual arts

Project Features

The research and experimentation project in visual arts may be individual or collective in character. It should be defined in terms of how it brings contents, conceptualisation, methodology, planning and collectivisation strategies together within a specific area of arts practice or around the applicant’s work or arts trajectory, with reference at all times to the proposed subject matter.


By ‘research and experimentation projects’ are understood those that don’t place their emphasis on a work’s production but rather those that stimulate the creative process itself to generate, among other things, dynamics of collective participation (workshops, participatory performances, public events and displays, etc.), hubs for conceptualisation and content generation (conferences, debates, publications, etc.) and experimental trial-and-error initiatives that are centred on process and not the presentation of the finished work.


Although they may start from the nucleus of a pre-existing work or ongoing line of artistic enquiry, proposed projects must emphasise a project taking place over a specific period of time (within 2019) and based on an explicitly conceptualised methodology and with a detailed timetable of actions and budgetary estimate that covers the necessary costs for enabling the development of the projects.

Target Candidate

To apply for this project, applicants will have to have a proven arts track record and be resident in the Barcelona area over a determined period of time for the development of the submitted project.


In the case of applicants who are resident artists at La Escocesa, these candidates must be aware of their statutory obligations as members of the Associació d’Idees EMA, handled by the La Escocesa management.


Applicants may submit a maximum of two projects, bearing in mind only one of them can be selected.


Bestowal of the grant for the project will be through an open and competitive process in accordance with principles of objectivity, equality, non-discrimination and public advertisement, thus guaranteeing the complete transparency of decisions made during the process.

Project Period

Selected projects must be completed within the calendar year 2019, and the timetable of presentations/exhibitions must have the potential to be achieved within this period. It is envisaged that activities contemplated within the timetable can be achieved, although the option of using spaces outside the centre or developing events that do not require a physical space may also be contemplated.

Main Venue

La Escocesa
C/ Pere IV, 345
08020 Barcelona

Budget and Financial Endowment

The budget must be adapted to the project and its requirements and reflect the following items:


  • Fees for the applying artist, calculated according to the criteria of 40 Euros maintenance per day of dedication to the project (the candidate may also produce a global estimate.)
  • Project production costs.


The financial endowment is for 2000 Euros (gross) and will be subject to assessment of the appropriateness of the project budget estimate.

Application Deadline

22 March, 1pm


Selected projects will be the property of the author/authors. IDensitat and La Escocesa, as the promoting organisations of NEXES / POBLE NOU, reserve the right to reproduce and disseminate via online publications or hard copy paper format the totality or part of the programme, provided they cite the respective authors and partner agents. IDensitat and La Escocesa also reserve the right to archive all documentation generated by this open call.


The successful candidates must take responsibility for the correct development of the activities proposed in the timetable and included in the project.
The grant holder will receive in a timetable of payments agreed between IDensitat and La Escocesa the amount requested and will be obliged to look after the running costs of the project as it goes along.

Grant holders must agree to regular reports on their activities and the proper development of the project as well as possible changes they may need to make.
IDensitat and La Escocesa will do all they can to facilitate the requirements of grant holders for the correct development of the project, in particular by offering continuous backing and advice in matters of conceptualisation, production and communication.
Grant holders will agree to compliance with La Escocesa’s norms of usage if they require access to their work spaces.
Grant holders will agree to include in the credits of all their public interventions and items of communication and promotion recognition of the fact that they are involved in the NEXES / POBLE NOU project promoted by IDensitat and La Escocesa.
The delivery/submission of the expected results of the project will be agreed based on the nature of the selected project. The organisation will also be involved in the communication and popular dissemination of the results of the project.


Submission of the application to take part in NEXES / POBLE NOU implies the candidate’s full acceptance of the project rules and regulations.


Candidate selection will be determined by a jury comprising members of the IDensitat and the La Escocesa teams.


The decision will be communicated to candidates at some point during April 2019 and will be definitive and not subject to appeal.


The jury’s decision for this project will be made public on the IDensitat and La Escocesa websites and the individuals concerned will be notified via email once they have accepted their participation in the project.

Assessment Criteria

Assessment of the applications will be made in accordance with the following criteria:


  • the project’s artistic interest: research interest in relation to the proposed theme, significant contribution of contents, interest in the methodology and level of experimentation;
  • project development: correct planning of methodology and coherence within the timetable; suitability of the budget to the methodological approach and timetable, as well as the limiting factors of the project’s modest budget; assessment of strategies for the creation of new communities;
  • candidate’s trajectory/career path: candidate’s cv.

Application Submission

To apply for this project, candidates must submit the following documentation:


  • application form, including the research and artistic experimentation project, the intended methodology, a suggested timetable and an itemised budgetary estimate;
  • dossier showing recent projects and research (links may be included);
  • cv in the case of artists from outside La Escocesa.


Documentation must be submitted together in pdf format and sent via email to the following address: with the heading “NEXES / POBLE NOU 2019”. Pdf files must under no circumstances be longer than 10 pages or more than 10 Mb in total size. File names must contain the first names and surnames of the applying artist or artists.


The deadline for submission of all required documentation will be Friday 22 March at 1pm. Under no circumstances will applications received after this time and date be considered.

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