Public works information service
Public works information service

Servei d'informació d'obres


Map showing public works

You can see the map showing roadworks via the following links.

To access the details of each of the roadworks, click on the information icon ("i") and then double-click on the works on the map you wish to view. More information on how to view the map.

We continue working to offer you a better search tool, which will be available soon.

The New Rambla

Visit the website of The New Rambla and discover the secrets of its transformation!

Logo de La Nova Rambla

Ronda de Dalt

See how work will be carried out to cover the Ronda de Dalt, between the Institut Vall d’Hebron and Avinguda de Vallcarca.

Vista aèria de la ronda de Dalt

Via Laietana

On this website, see the disruptions caused by the roadworks on Via Laietana.

Vista aèria de la Via Laietana