Selection of co-edition publication projects with Barcelona City Council

09/01/2023 - 09:51

Co-editions. A new period for submitting co-edition publication projects with Barcelona City Council is open from 10 to 31 January 2023.

A new period for submitting co-edition publication projects with Barcelona City Council is open from 10 to 31 January 2023. Proposals will have to take Barcelona and its residents as their reference and fall within the framework of the ten collections approved by the Editions and Publications Board itself on 7 April 2021. If they are not part of any of these collections, the collection from the publishing house that the edition is proposed in must be stated.

Co-editions with the private publishing sector are established to contribute towards a better use, dissemination and promotion of publications. In addition, they are also used for establishing a framework of collaboration with the publishing sector and providing it with support.


• Gent de Barcelona. [People of Barcelona] Barcelona’s residents or individuals with strong links to the city; this applies to central players and ordinary people alike.

• Barcelona Ecologia. [Barcelona Ecology] Every aspect relating to urban environment, sustainability, urban nature and the climate-change emergency.

• Barcelona Present i Futur. [Barcelona Present and Future] Tackling the economic, scientific, digital and social aspects, both historical and contemporary, that explain the city model and its metropolitan area, as well as the future perspective they describe.

• Barcelona Arquitectura i Urbanisme. [Barcelona Architecture and Urban Planning] To show the city’s urban planning lines and model and prioritise citizen knowledge of the unique projects and characters involved in the city’s architecture and urban planning.

• Barcelona Ciutat i Barris. [Barcelona City and Neighbourhoods] The history, memories and culture of the city and its neighbourhoods. Dissemination of the past and present of the network of associations and social organisations and movements that have left their mark on the city and its neighbourhoods.

• Barcelona Literària. [Literary Barcelona] Barcelona’s links to its literary heritage and the city’s literary representation.

• Barcelona en Vinyetes. [Barcelona in Comics] Introducing the graphic novel genre and comics to tell the history and stories of the city and its residents.

• Barcelona Beceroles. [Barcelona Alphabet Books] Bringing the city to very young readers through publications that are attractive both graphically and narratively.

• Darrere la Càmera. [Behind the Camera] Books with old and new photographs of the city. To appreciate the city’s transformation and its tradition of photographers.

• Arts a la Ciutat. [Arts in the City] Museum and Art Centre catalogues and editions.

The project’s assessments need to take account of the parity criterion to obtain a balanced presence of women and men among the authors, as recommended by Barcelona City Council’s Editions and Publications Board.

Presentation of co-edition projects: January 2023

The selection process will open at 9 am, on 10 January 2023 and close at 2 pm on 31 January 2023. You can check the form but you will not be able, under any circumstances, to send a project until the start date for the process. If you have any queries, please contact