17/11/2022 - 18:05

‘The Barcelonian’, the city as imagined by illustrators of the city

Books. A book by Barcelona's artistic community that narrates the city through a series of covers designed for an imaginary magazine.

27/10/2022 - 13:17

Brutalist Barcelona: a landscape on a metropolitan scale

Books. In the book, Paolo Sustersic explores the connections between Brutalism and urban development in Barcelona from the 1970s onwards.

27/10/2022 - 11:46

The photographic legacy of Barcelona, in sepia

Books. You’ll once again be able to hold in your hands what is a singular immersion in a Barcelona that belongs to the past, yet still lives on, immortalised thanks to all of the photos in this collection.

13/10/2022 - 12:08

'Traços' brings together a wide selection of Aboriginal paintings from the Ethnological Museum

Books. The publication of the book stems from the exhibition “Traços. Pintura aborigen australiana: tradició i contemporaneïtat” [Traces. Australian Aboriginal Painting: Tradition and Modernity] that took place at the Museu Etnològic...

16/09/2022 - 12:56

‘Cròniques del fang. Quan els diaris van donar veu als barris’ [The Mud Chronicles. When the Papers Gave the Neighbourhoods a Voice]

Books. ‘Cròniques del fang’ pays tribute to Barcelona's social journalism during the final years of the Franco regime and the early years of democracy.

02/09/2022 - 13:55

New Barcelona Llibres catalogue

Books. We’re launching a new Barcelona Llibres catalogue, a directory of 260 titles edited by the Directorate of Publishing Services that reveal the many faces of our city.

24/05/2022 - 09:36

Enric Tormo, la invisibilitat del dau [Enric Tormo, the invisible member of the ‘dau’]

Books. The publication of the book is linked to the temporary exhibition that will be on display at the Joan Brossa Foundation from 17 March to 24 July.

02/05/2022 - 14:49

‘Barcelona Freak show’, a journey to the dark side of the human condition

Books. Barcelona Freak show: A history of fairground booths and travelling shows, from the 18th century to 1939, by Enric H. March, a chronicle of the darker side of popular entertainment in Barcelona.

28/03/2022 - 17:56

A total of 21 urban hiking routes that retrace Barcelona’s ancient pathways

Books. The book is an urban hiking guide with twenty-one routes that follow the ancient paths that once criss-crossed Barcelona. 

09/03/2022 - 18:26

'El més petit de tots' [The Smallest of All] launches the Barcelona Beceroles collection

Books. On the occasion of Lola Anglada y Sarriera's 130th birthday, the City Council and Libros del Zorro Rojo are presenting ‘El més petit de tots’, which was first published by the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Commissariat for...

Imatges del llibre 'Tothom a taula!
Retrats de l'ecosistema alimentari sostenible d'una Barcelona en transformació'
26/10/2021 - 17:06

Barcelona, moving towards a sustainable food system

Food. The book Everyone to the table! Portraits of the sustainable food ecosystem of a Barcelona in transformation contains a diverse range of around thirty different initiatives and proposals that are conceived to bring us towards a...

31/08/2021 - 12:40

'Barcelonas', english edition

The anecdotal history of Barcelona written by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.