The objective of this Government Measure is to prioritize the management of tourism activity to improve the balance with the daily life of residents and position Barcelona as a reference in the management, regulation, financing, and social return of tourism activity.
Data and documents
In this space we put statistical data at your disposal so that you can know the situation of tourist activity in Barcelona first hand.
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All the reports, studies and documentation of tourism management at your fingertips.
16 documents
- Government Measure for Tourism Management 2024-2027
- Plan de Sostenibilidad turística en destinación Barcelona
- Tourism Sustainability Plan in Destination Barcelona
Summary document of the 19 tourism projects that have received funding from the European Next Generation funds for a value of 41 million euros and that will be executed between 2023 and 2025. Watch video video
- Tourism Marketing Strategy for Destination Barcelona (EMTDB)
Tourism Marketing Strategy for Destination Barcelona (EMTDB)
- Declaration of best practices for tour groups in public areas in Barcelona
Document acordat amb les dues associacions de guies oficials, Aguicat i APIT, per millorar la gestió dels grups turístics guiats a la via pública, la qualitat del servei de guiatge, l'experiència del visitant i l'encaix amb la vida veïnal. Conté un annex específic per als barris de Ciutat Vella que registren major afluència turística.
- Evaluation of the Strategic Tourism Plan 2020
Evaluation of the Strategic Tourism Plan 2020
- Culture and creative industry as a factor in the transformation of the visitor's economy
Report of the Department of Tourism and Creative Industries presented to the Committee on Economy and Finance of March 17, 2021, which includes the main conclusions of the Forum of debate 'City, Tourism and Culture: a joint opportunity' and the lines of action to be developed.
- Creation of new imaginaries and contents for the improvement of mobility and tourist sustainability.
Government measure presented to the Economy and Finance Commission of January 22, 2020. It compiles a series of actions on the mobility and the creation of new tourist imaginaries, in order to better manage the flow of visitors that receives the city, diversify its socio-economic contribution, reduce the negative impacts on high-affluence spaces and contribute to expanding the knowledge that the people of Barcelona have about their city.
- Territorial strategy of tourist management. Government measure
The Territorial Strategy for Tourism Management, framed in the Strategic Tourism Plan 2020, includes 261 measures that make up the roadmap to maximize the social return of tourist activity in the territories, while at the same time considering the synergies with the city as a whole and the metropolitan region.
- Tourist Mobility Strategy in Barcelona
The Tourist Mobility Strategy (EMT) provides a global analysis of the city's tourist mobility in order to design new urban policies. The EMT aims at offering an answer both to the Urban Mobility Plan (PMU 2013-2018) as well as to the challenges and goals for the Strategic Plan for Tourism (PET20).
Consult the Tourism Observatory
Barcelona's statistical information, knowledge and tourist intelligence platform