Management of high tourist traffic areas

Barcelona is a city with several points of attraction that receive a high number of visitors. The City Council has identified 15 high-traffic spaces (EGA) and has launched a plan to manage them and balance tourism and neighborhood life.

High-flow spaces are urban areas around iconic city spaces that experience a high influx of people, both residents and visitors.

The council has identified 15 EGAs in the city of Barcelona, ​​​​of which 8 are eminently touristic: Gardunya-Boqueria-La Rambla, Park Güell, Sagrada Familia, Turó de la Rovira, ps. de Gracia-pl. Catalonia, Gothic, San Pedro, Santa Caterina and la Ribera, and Barceloneta.

The other 7 add a local dimension linked to specific or recurring events and commercial, sporting, cultural or leisure activity in the city, and are: Camp Nou, Mercado de San Antonio, Montjuïc-Poble-sec, Les Glòries, rambla del Poblenou, Coastal Front and Forum Park.

All EGAs share common challenges:

  • Occupation and saturation of public space.
  • Transformation of activity and uses, with predominance of those aimed at visitors.
  • Large volume of mobility and pedestrian flows.
  • Difficulty developing daily activities and community life.