30/04/2024 - 13:44

“Darrere les persianes”, [Behind the blinds] a graphic novel and a tour for discovering the history of lesbians in Barcelona.

Launch of the graphic novel "Darrere les persianes", on 20 June at the Barcelona LGBTI Centre

19/04/2024 - 16:20

The first edition of the Spanish Women's Cricket League set to take place at the Municipal Cricket Ground in Montjuïc

The Municipal Cricket Ground in Montjuïc opens its doors this weekend with the celebration of the first stage of the "No boundaries” Spanish Women’s Cricket League.

17/04/2024 - 10:41

Three Catalan clubs compete in the Final Four of the Women’s Water Polo Champions League

The Nova Escullera swimming pool at the Barcelona Swimming Club (CNB) will be hosting the European women's water polo championship this weekend.

Una dona passa el braç per les espatlles a una altra.
13/04/2024 - 14:19

Municipal resources and services for carers

Caring city. Projects such as Barcelona Cuida, the Carer Card and the Concilia free child-minding service make Barcelona a leader in care.

Fotografia de llibres de poesia d'Ana María Moix
11/04/2024 - 19:43

Library in Fort Pienc named after Ana María Moix

Feminism and women. Biblioteques de Barcelona and the District of L’Eixample remembered the poet and writer in an act of homage.

08/04/2024 - 11:57

Maria Planas features in the third chapter of 'Dones amb Impacte' [Women with Impact]

The interview series 'Dones amb Impact,' which releases a new instalment on the 8th of each month, aims to highlight the role of women in various sports disciplines.

04/04/2024 - 13:11

Ariadna Farrés: "As a society, we must consider what we want to do in space"

Science. Specialist in astrodynamics at NASA and PhD in Applied Mathematics.

03/04/2024 - 10:33

The submission period for candidacies for the 17th Women and Sport Awards is now open

The submission period for candidacies is open until 24 April.

Resources for companies and entrepreneurial projects in social and solidarity economy
03/04/2024 - 10:02

Increase in the percentage of women entrepreneurs in Barcelona

Business. According to the latest report from the Municipal Data Office (OMD), 42% of entrepreneurs are women.

Rendered image showing the distribution of the entrance area for the group support rooms at the new SARA
28/03/2024 - 12:52

Second office of the Care, Recovery and Reception Service (SARA) to be located in L’Eixample

Feminism and women. The government commission of 21 March gave initial approval to the project to condition the new premises, located in C/ Muntaner.