Our collections

Books, magazines, music, films, board games and more. Barcelona Libraries has over three million items, available to everybody!

  • Board games

    Many libraries in the city not only have books, magazines, music and films but also board games on various topics and themes, for people of all ages.

  • Care and carers

    A collection of items specialising in care, the act of caring and well-being. This collection is the result of collaboration with the Carer Card project.

  • Comics

    Comics have become a cultural medium with an ever-increasing number of followers in recent years. Because of this, all the libraries in the city’s library network offer users an extensive collection of comics, including the most important works in the history of this genre, comics of various styles, trends, geographical origins and so on for children, young people and adults.

  • Espai Jove

    The Espai Jove is an area designed to address the curiosity and needs of young people. These spaces contain a collection of fiction and knowledge that reflects young people’s needs and interests, adapting to the cultural and social changes that come about at any given time

  • Film

    You will find films from numerous world cultures in the libraries, as well as works from the great film schools and movements: German expressionism, Soviet social realism, Italian neo-realism, French nouvelle vague, English free film, new American film, dogma and more.

  • Learning languages

    You can learn languages at your own pace at the city’s libraries. There are all sorts of materials to help you learn Catalan and Spanish, as well as German, English, Arabic, Basque, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese and other languages.

  • Local collection

    The local collection consists of a series of documents (books, maps, magazines and audiovisuals) linked to Barcelona city, its districts and the neighbourhoods where libraries are located. The local collection also includes work published by the figures that the libraries are named after.

  • Mental health

    Our emotional, physical and social health all depend on mental health. Mental illnesses are sustained alterations that entail cognitive, emotional and behavioural dysfunctions in the people who suffer them.

  • Music

    The music collection at the city’s libraries is essentially made up of works regarded as classics in different musical genres. This collection is updated to offer a selection of new discs that appear on the market, taking into consideration their demonstrated quality and added value within the history of music.

  • World of work

    Barcelona’s libraries offer users a series of jobseeking materials with useful ongoing training for either accessing the labour market or improving your professional profile.


The city’s libraries have collections specialising in certain themes. Many are linked to the local area, relating to the traditions, interests and culture unique to a certain neighbourhood. Others relate to the building they are kept in, and others to the figure the library is named after.

You will also find items grouped together by interest: sets of different materials with a common thread.

  • African cultures

    Biblioteca Vila de Gràcia - Rosa M. Arquimbau

    Africa is a continent of almost boundless diversity. The Biblioteca Vila de Gràcia – Rosa M. Arquimbau holds a collection specialising in this geographical part of the planet. It also organises activities that help people to discover the cultural, historical and social wealth and diversity of this continent.

  • Arab world

    Biblioteca Sant Pau - Santa Creu

    The historical and cultural ties between the two shores of the Mediterranean are a reality reflected in the specialisation at the Biblioteca Sant Pau – Santa Creu, with a collection that brings Arab culture to our society.

  • Architecture and design

    Biblioteca Fort Pienc – Ana María Moix

    A city such as Barcelona, strongly linked with architecture and design, cannot do without a library specialising in these subjects.

  • Barcelona novels

    Biblioteca El Carmel - Juan Marsé

    Barcelona is the protagonist and the setting for novels offered at the Biblioteca El Carmel – Juan Marsé, with its comprehensive collection of novels and narrative works relating to Barcelona from the start of the 20th century through to the present day.

  • Books and reading

    Biblioteca Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall

    This library specialises in everything to do with books and reading. The items in this collection refer to the history of books, the pleasure of reading and other topics.

  • Comics

    Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra

    This library holds a collection specialising in comics. This form of communication and narration has long had an important standing in Catalonia, where a large number of comic authors and publishing companies operate.

  • Detective novels

    Biblioteca Montbau - Albert Pérez Baró

    Specialising in noir fiction, the Biblioteca Montbau – Albert Pérez Baró offers users a comprehensive collection of fiction and non-fiction, with something for everybody.

  • Film

    Biblioteca Xavier Benguerel

    Barcelona has a historical, intense and very close link to film. The city has often been the setting for film productions that have projected its image all over the world.

  • Hand made

    Biblioteca Camp de l'Arpa - Caterina Albert

    In an effort to revive craft techniques that form part of our history and culture, the Biblioteca Camp de l'Arpa – Caterina Albert offers a selection of items for those interested in handicrafts.

  • Latin American literature

    Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez

    The Gabriel García Márquez Library, starting from the imaginary of the author of the same name, aims to make known this immense treasure trove of references, stories, chronicles, poems and reflections which make up the literary canon of Latin American literature.

  • Motoring

    Biblioteca Francesc Candel

    The Zona Franca is an area historically linked closely to the motor industry. That’s why the Biblioteca Francesc Candel offers an archive specialising in the motor world and sustainable mobility.

  • Nature

    Biblioteca Collserola-Josep Miracle

    Collection made up of books and other items about nature, sustainable development and ecology, plus nature literature and imaginative books for young children.

  • Peace culture

    Biblioteca Poble-sec - Francesc Boix

    The United Nations defines the peace culture as “a set of values, attitudes, traditions, behaviour and lifestyles, based on respect for life, the rejection of violence and the promotion and practice of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation”. The Biblioteca Poble-sec – Francesc Boix holds an extensive collection specialising in this theme.

  • Photography

    Biblioteca Esquerra de l'Eixample - Agustí Centelles

    The Biblioteca Esquerra de l'Eixample – Agustí Centelles has specialised in photography since it opened. It holds a collection open to everyone that includes, among other works, books of artistic photography, photobooks and photojournalism publications.

  • Poetry

    Biblioteca Guinardó - Mercè Rodoreda

    Poetry gets special treatment at the Biblioteca Guinardó – Mercè Rodoreda. The library includes a specialist section of more than seven thousand items, with poetry collections as well as studies, biographies, magazines and poems set to music.

  • Restaurants and hospitality

    Biblioteca Barceloneta - La Fraternitat

    This library holds a collection specialising in restaurant and hospitality trade, with theoretical works and works of fiction that relate to this sector from professional and leisure perspectives alike.

  • Science

    Biblioteca Sagrada Família - Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte

    The environment gets special attention at the Biblioteca Sagrada Família – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte, which has an extensive collection specialising in biodiversity, energy, environmental education, ecotourism, and so on.

  • Science-fiction

    Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló

    The Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló has had a sci-fi collection since 2020. Here you can enjoy everything form classics in this genre to the latest trends.

  • Small publishers, big projects

    Biblioteca El Clot - Josep Benet

    We want to offer a space for books that are chosen, translated and edited with great care. Books for demanding readers when it comes to content and form, starting with publishing companies based in Barcelona and producing fiction and novels.

  • Social movements

    Biblioteca Trinitat Vella - J. Barbero

    Barcelona is a city with a long tradition of associations and participation. Ever since it opened, the Biblioteca Trinitat Vella – J. Barbero has had a focus on social movements and the causes of the civil society.

  • Sport and entertainment

    Biblioteca Les Corts - Miquel Llongueras

    Sport is the specialist area at the Biblioteca Les Corts – Miquel Llongueras, which holds a collection that looks at the world of sport from many angles (psychology, medicine, legislation, facilities, etc.).

  • Theatre

    Biblioteca Horta - Can Mariner

    With the world of theatre firmly established in the Horta neighbourhood and the presence of various figures and historical theatrical institutions here, it makes sense that the Biblioteca Horta – Can Mariner specialises in the theatre.

  • Traditional and popular culture

    Biblioteca Poblenou-Manuel Arranz

    The Biblioteca Poblenou – Manuel Arranz has a space devoted to traditional and popular Catalan culture. This specialised collection includes documents based around the various manifestations of popular culture (such as mythology, everyday life and events), as well as researchers and organisations.

  • Trans and gender identity

    Biblioteca Nou Barris - Aurora Díaz Plaja

    Specialist collection with items relating to trans identities and the gender experience in all its diversity.

  • Travel

    Biblioteca Jaume Fuster

    The Biblioteca Jaume Fuster collection offers all sorts of items relating to travel, as well as various practical resources for travellers.

  • Urban music

    Biblioteca Vapor Vell

    Barcelona is a city with a broad tradition of music, demonstrated year after year through numerous festivals, street music performances, concerts for all tastes and wide array of specialist music centres. The Biblioteca Vapor Vell is one of them.

  • Women and feminism

    Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison

    The Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison has a reference space with one of the finest collections specialising in women and feminism.