Sensory space
What is a sensory space?
Sensory rooms encourage attention and well-being through electronic materials and devices that play with sound, light or vibration. They provide an environment specially designed for sensory stimulation and which enable the adjustment of stimuli and control of noise, lighting and temperature. They are pleasant, safe and accessible spaces from the physical and cognitive points of view, which encourage attention and promote exploration, pleasure and feelings of well-being through the use of various devices and materials.
Why inside the library?
The aim behind this sensory space is, on the one hand, to make the library accessible to people with sensory disorders and, on the other, to launch a project for fostering existential and innovative reading. Sensory rooms are innovation tools in the revitalisation of reading and they also improve accessibility and make libraries more inclusive spaces.
Promoting reading
Sensory rooms provide opportunities for readers to enjoy stories existentially and help to make reading more attractive for children, create a comprehensive environment for stimulating all the senses and encourage an immersive existential experience. When a reading-revitalisation session is held in a sensory space, an inclusive activity is being offered in a natural way, seeing that children with sensory difficulties are given an opportunity to take part in the proposed activities.
Libraries offering this service: