"Construïm dibuixant" Barcelona Dibuixa 2024

The great city drawing festival!

A festival in which drawing will be the protagonist throughout the city. Come and participate in a multitude of workshops led by renowned artists and illustrators, and let your creativity fly by following their suggestions.

On Sunday 20th October, the artist Mireia Bover (La Kanalla) is offering us a mural workshop in the Castle's courtyard. Through drawing and imagination, we will create a dynamic and unique community mural. In this workshop, we will imagine and explore the history of Montjuïc Castle and we will represent it creatively on large boxes. These boxes will not only be the support for our drawings, but we will also be able to move and combine them, giving shape to a volumetric construction that will evolve throughout the workshop.

We will jointly imagine episodes from the castle's past, while playing with drawing and space, building a collective work that will be both visual and three-dimensional. Come create, express yourself and bring the castle's history to life!

No reservation required