Previous exhibitions

Since March 2014, the Castle has hosted temporary exhibitions on various themes in the rooms around the parade ground. This section contains information about all the exhibitions held at the castle.

Gestures Out-of-Place


From 22th January, the Castle of Montjuïc will host the exhibition "Gestures out of place" in a co-production with La Escocesa, a prominent creation factory, public centre for artistic residencies and contemporary art production space.

"My Kingdom for a light" by Tiler Gab


Tiler Gab presents “My kingdom for a Light”, an artistic intervention featuring his new works. Ten untold stories and Untitled Colors will be exhibited in the casernes of the Montjuïc castle. The intervention is curated by MIRA Festival and will run until January 07, 2024.



Exhibition opening on 15 september.

Destierro is an exhibition of artworks by Cecilia Zabaleta that “invites to travel through an existential and geographical journey of a migrant memory born of forced displacement and subsequent republican exile in 1939”. Under the curatorship of Roberto Fuertes, Zabaleta proposes an itinerary through the experiences of her vital itinerary, “expressively using a suggestive language based on creations in oil paint and mixed technique with documentary fragments, interlined with epigraphs by the author herself. Proposal that is reflected in compositions of fractured landscapes, allegory of cracked objects, and cartographic gestures”

Global 500


The Montjuïc Castle presents a new exhibitio "Global 500" by the artist Lois Fasching, in collaboration with the Museo La Neomudéjar and with the support of the Foro Cultural de Austria en Madrid. An exhibition that has had a long tour around different European cities such as Brussels, Madrid or Bilbao.



On May 13, Montjuïc Castle presents the new "Transperifères" exhibition.

Memories of the Pandemic. We will only get through this together.


The exhibition arrives at the Castle on March 23, after its exhibition at la Model. It can be visited until January 7.

Urban nature. The fauna of Montjuïc mountain


Montjuïc Castle presents the exhibition “Urban nature. The fauna of Montjuïc mountain”, which invites you to discover the natural habitats of Montjuïc mountain and the animal species that inhabit this area, one of the main green lungs of the city of Barcelona.

Barcelona 1992, thirty years on


Montjuïc Castle presents the exhibition "Barcelona 1992, thirty years on" on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Barcelona Olympic Games, a key event for the transformation of Montjuïc mountain and Barcelona as a whole, which placed the city on the world map.

The Montjuïc funicular. Conquering the mountain


Castell de Montjuïc presents “El funicular de Montjuïc. La conquesta de la muntanya” (The Montjuïc funicular. Conquering the mountain), an exhibition that takes you on a journey through the history of this funicular train, built to make access easier from the centre of Barcelona to Montjuïc mountain, a place of leisure for the Barcelonians.

Montjuïc. The amusement park


The Montjuïc amusement park, in operation for three decades, became an emblematic place of Barcelona, which marked a whole period in the social life of the city until 1998, when it opened its doors for the last time.

Bcn 1965-1975. A look from artificial intelligence


Montjuïc Castle presents, from 28 May, the exhibition “Bcn 1965-1975. A look from artificial intelligence ”, which recalls Montjuïc and Barcelona from about fifty years ago. With the mountain of Montjuïc as its driving force, the exhitbition proposes a visit to the Barcelona of late Francoism through archival images.

The coastline of Barcelona


The Castle of Montjuïc presents, from December 17, the exhibition "The coastline of Barcelona", curated by Santiago Riera. The exhibition explains the evolution of Barcelona's coastline from the relationship between humans and the sea, taking a historical tour of the transformation of Barcelona's coastline, leaving room for reflection in the face of a new stage that is opening up. marked by global warming and the challenges it generates in the field of sustainability.

Sonorous Postcards of Barcelona


Montjuïc Castle presents the exhibition "Sonorous Postcards of Barcelona", which proposes an immersive hearing experience, based on six postcards that evoke six representative places in the city.

LIVE IN MONTJUÏC. Memories of a forgotten shanty town


The exhibition «LIVE IN MONTJUÏC. Memories of a forgotten shanty town”, curated by Oriol Granados, Francesc Banús and Rafel Usero, shows testimonies of former Montjuïc shanty town inhabitants ..

Visible spectres


Installation by Claudio Correa, curated by Alexandra Laudo

The Art of War: Strategies for Winning Without Fighting


The exhibition is centred on a text by the Chinese author Sunzi, The Art of War, which is considered to be the first known example of a military treatise. The text was written in China between the 6th and 2nd centuries BC and has become a benchmark for subsequent generations: not only in terms of military strategy, but also in terms of culture, politics and strategic thinking in general.

Temporary exhibition: "In search of freedom. 1968-2018"


The exhibition “In Search of Freedom: 1968-2018" focuses on the historical and contemporary understanding of the protests that took place in the 60s and 70s in Europe, emphasising on the particularities of the conflicts that occurred in Spain, Poland and in the former Yugoslavia. The material includes 31 photographs from Catalan, Spanish, Slovene and Polish collections, as well as newspapers articles, banners and an audiovisual showing some of the protests that took place on that period in the three territories.

Lost memory, photographic exhibition by Miquel Gonzalez


Montjuïc Castle presents the photographic exhibition MEMÒRIA PERDUDA by the photographer from Barcelona, who lives and works in Holland, Miquel Gonzalez. The photographer has travelled the Iberian Peninsula with his camera capturing the locations of the common graves from the Spanish Civil War and the areas in which such atrocities took place and which have not yet been excavated or commemorated. Many of these places were lost as they were hidden under new roads or buildings, or simply disappeared without leaving any signs of its cruel past.

The Pedagogical Revolution of Ferrer i Guàrdia


The exhibition "The Pedagogical Revolution of Ferrer i Guàrdia" exposes the aims, the principles, the impact and the extend of the great work of Ferrer i Guàrdia: the Modern School, whose pedagogical model meant a real pedagogical revolution in a convulsive social context with a precarious educational system. The Modern School was based on the principles of a rational, scientific and humanitarian education, it had a universal and a secular nature, and aimed at the construction of a city of free people, promoting equality between men and women, avoiding prejudices and the existence of oppressors and oppressed.

Nazis and fascists, the symbolic occupation of Barcelona (1939-1945)


On Monday 20 November, it will be the opening of the exhibition "Nazis and fascists, the symbolic occupation of Barcelona (1939-1945)”. The exhibition is a harsh, graphic chronicle that makes no concessions to an ill-hidden past. After the fall of Barcelona into the hands of the Francoist troops, the new regime mirrored Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy in order to eradicate any trace of the Red, Republican and Catalanist past of the city​.
