
On May 13, Montjuïc Castle presents the new "Transperifères" exhibition.

Transperiferia is a concept and at the same time a conceptual strategy that gives unity and coherence to the different nodes that have participated in the network of residences realized in the project Art ⇆ Territory (2019-2020) and REART ⇆ (2022-2023). These nodes are formed by Idensitat, La Escocesa, Casa Planas and BBB art center, connected to each other to give shape to these two projects.

Transperifèries is presented here as an exhibition that opens with a guided tour with the artists and organizations on May 11 at 6 p.m., which includes a heterogeneous group of artistic works that, as a whole, give their own answers to the concept of transperiphery . Corentine Le Mestre, Marta Azparren, Melisa López, Josephine Lunal, Lourdes Peñaranda, Maria Alcaide and Célin Jiang, have developed their works within the framework of Art ⇆ Territory and REART ⇆ and are the result of artistic research involved in specific contexts , proposed by Idensitat (web), La Escocesa (Barcelona), BBB art center (Toulouse) and Casa Planas (Palma). complemented by two laboratory meetings and a digital archive of projects.

As a concept it refers to the idea of crossing, overflowing, deactivating or multiplying the center-periphery relationship, in order to project it beyond what is inside or outside this polarized relationship. It takes into account the global context, characterized by the increase in tensions related to the fear of the other and the unknown, the increase in policies of withdrawal, national appeal and redefinition of borders, and the consequent tendency to cause isolation, incommunicado, closure, struggle for identity or disconnection.

Transperifèries collects and presents in exhibition format the work of the seven artists, as well as activities carried out in parallel to the residencies and the audiovisual archives generated during the process.