Moujuïc Festival 2021

Moujuïc is a festival designed to delve into the world of contemporary dance, the arts of movement, and the languages of the body in their scenic hybridization; a weekend that invites you to discover the diverse plurality of the city's emerging and creative fabric.

With the desire to energize the upper level of the Montjuïc park, we propose a quality program accessible to everyone in collaboration with the Graner Creation Factory. A profoundly democratizing proposal, with the intention of becoming a first contact in the world of the performing arts.

This first edition offers, on the weekend of September 18 and 19, two daily pieces chosen to make known the research and creation processes of the artists to a diverse audience, with access to culture as the main vector. Contemporary dance and movement arts are still quite unknown, sometimes complex, without basic notions for their understanding, or without tearing down the wall behind which, too often, they stand. That is why the pieces will be preceded by an introduction by the mediation service of the Castle and the Barn, thus facilitating reading tools that can awaken sensitivity around the languages of the body, guarantee a better experience for the public, and also, allow everyone to feel challenged.

The program aims to promote circulation around the Castle, an ideal enclave for the visibility of these works outside conventional spaces. You can see the calendar and schedule at this link. 200 places will be on sale for each of the days, following the instructions of the health authorities at all times. The price for one day will be €3 with one drink and €5 for both, also with a daily drink. Tickets are available at this link. We want to make it easy: a playful and cultural proposal, a common place to meet and celebrate dance.