Moujuïc festival 2024

The Moujuïc festival reaches its fourth edition this year, reinforcing its commitment to bringing dance and movement to new audiences, without giving up either the territorial dimension or the promotion of contemporary creation. Because audiences must not only be sought, but generated. A dance festival with an evident vision of the city and territory, we therefore go further than ever, with a presence in neighborhoods that avoid the immediate surroundings of the mountains, evidencing the synergies with other actors in the city, such as the Ateneo Popular of Nou Barris.

We also delve into the relationship with the cultural ecosystem of the territory, introducing an axis of reflection in the joint work with the Sortidor civic center, demonstrating that the greatest resource we have in the world of culture is networking. We also add the En Residencia project, in which educational centers in the metropolitan city host contemporary creation processes, and we do it with a former resident of the Castle, Lautaro Reyes.

The Castell de Montjuïc will, therefore, once again be the setting for a project that precisely wants to go beyond it. It does so, again, with extensive programming carefully selected to ensure that dance, and body languages, reach everyone. And with the rest of the elements that are the DNA of the project these four years: process openings, both creative and community, a workshop for families and, most especially, a team, and space, for mediation, the tool on which built the entire project.