Agreements by the Full Council
Full City Council Meetings represent Barcelona's residents through 41 councillors who are chosen every four years in municipal elections. Full City Council Meetings are therefore where key decisions are made which affect the city’s residents. Ordinary Full City Council Meetings are held on a monthly basis, generally on the last Friday of each month.
Extraordinary Full City Council Meetings may also be convened for reasons of emergency or necessity.
This space lets you check the votes and positions of the political party groups at full municipal meetings. You can search in several ways and download information in open-data format. You can check a few infographics below as examples of the information available to you.
Functioning and structure of Full City Council Meetings
To find out about the composition of Full City Council Meetings, the municipal political party groups that make them up and each group's councillors, and to access records of broadcasts, minutes and agreements of previous Full City Council Meetings, consult the Municipal Council.
Full City Council Meetings adopt the following structure:
Information part. The municipal government presents the municipal political party groups with government measures and reports (that is, programmes, lines and forecasts that will guide executive functions on a specific issue) as well as assessments regarding a specific matter. This part, as its name suggests, is for information purposes only and does not involve any voting for a presented item's approval or rejection.
Decision-making or executive part. Here the municipal groups do vote and either approve or reject initiatives and specific agreements that require a majority from the Full Council, under Barcelona's Municipal Charter, such as budgetary investments, byelaws and regulations, amendments to the General Metropolitan Plan, and awards of medals and distinctions, among other things. Majority-approved agreements in this part are binding and the initiative falls to the municipal government, after they has been processed in the Government Commission, and with the report from the Full Council Commissions that are held the week before the Full Council Meeting
Initiative-proposing and monitoring part. This where the municipal political party groups present their proposals, group statements or propositions containing institutional declarations and make their arguments to influence the municipal government's leadership as well as ask questions to obtain more information or find out the municipal government's position on a specific issue. Propositions, unlike requests and questions, are agreement proposals open to debate among all the political party groups and may be voted on. When approved, they are politically important, but non-binding. As for requests, a discussion is opened only between the group making them and the municipal government, which is free to accept or reject them.
Institutional declarations. Institutional declarations are the City Council's stances supported by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the 41 councillors. Statements refer to matters that are not strictly within municipal competence and show broad consensus on social and citizens' issues. Although it is up to the municipal political party groups to take the initiative and present an institutional declaration proposal, because such declarations are consensual by nature, they belong to the whole institution rather than the group proposing them.
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Executive part:
Binding agreements on the initiative of the municipal government and the municipal political party groups' propositions.
Initiative-proposing and monitoring part:
Group propositions/statements and propositions containing institutional declarations from municipal political party groups to influence the municipal government. They include institutional declarations.
Institutional declarations
Institutional declarations are the City Council's stances supported by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the 41 councillors. Statements refer to matters that are not strictly within municipal competence and show broad consensus on social and citizens' issues. Although it is up to the municipal political party groups to take the initiative and present an institutional declaration proposal, because such declarations are consensual by nature, they belong to the whole institution rather than the group proposing them.
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya Abstention
Ciutadans Abstention
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans For a
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans Against
Partit Popular Against
Valents Against
Regidora no adscrita Against
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans Abstention
Partit Popular Abstention
Valents Abstention
Regidora no adscrita Abstention
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans For a
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana Abstention
Junts per Catalunya Abstention
Ciutadans Abstention
Partit Popular Abstention
Valents Abstention
Regidora no adscrita Abstention
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans For a
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans For a
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans For a
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention
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Barcelona en Comú For a
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya For a
Esquerra Republicana For a
Junts per Catalunya For a
Ciutadans For a
Partit Popular For a
Valents For a
Regidora no adscrita For a
Legend:- asterisk Government team
- green tick For a
- red cross Against
- empty-set symbol Absent
- horizontal line Abstention