From 24 October, 2018 - 00:01 to 29 November, 2018 - 23:59

CROQUIS_BCN is celebrating its 5th edition with a new means of operating with respect to the relationship between the public and the plays presented.


The idea is to look at increasing the extent of the audience’s opinions and ideas, thereby transforming it, within a context of mutual trust, into a contributor to a project of artistic creation. Specifically, it would provide an opportunity for a group of spectators to offer creative feedback or an “external gaze” on different drama projects that are in the early stages of creation.


Selected projects will present their idea before the audience in a free format and, immediately afterwards, the audience will give to the artists their feedback on what they have seen.


Alongside the application process for stage projects in a development phase, we will also be opening a call for audience members with its own rules, requirements and conditions.


This new edition of CROQUIS_BCN is being organised by an arts factory (Sala Beckett), a nearby cultural centre (Centre Cívic Can Felipa) and a cultural mediation enterprise (Agost Produccions).


The CROQUIS_BCN call for theatre projects in their development phase is designed to help choose 6 proposals from artists or arts collectives interested in receiving a non-professional ‘external gaze’ or feedback on their theatre projects from a group of spectators chosen specifically for the occasion.

Only “theatre project ideas” or “theatre projects in the process of creation” will be chosen. The aim is to get comments from an audience in the early stages of the creation process.

Target Candidates

The call is aimed at any artist or collective with a theatre project or idea for one who present it through the performance of a fragment, an explanation or synopsis by the creators or other methods considered suitable.

Application Dates

24 October – 29 November, 2018


Obligations of the organisation

The organisation commits to:

  • Paying a bursary for each project of 200 euros.
  • Offering each selected project time for assembly, rehearsal and, if needed, technical personnel (subject to limits).
  • Ensuring that contact with the audience will be a fruitful contribution for the work of the artists.

Assessment Criteria

In choosing projects, the following criteria will be assessed and evaluated:

  • The interest and motivations of the applicants who want to participate in CROQUIS_BCN
  • The appropriateness of the submitted project for the operation and wider significance of CROQUIS_BCN and applicants’ agreement to accept their obligations


The organisation, made up of members of Sala Beckett, Can Felipa and Agost Produccions, will be responsible for assessing projects submitted and making the final selection.


Application submission deadline: 29 November 2018
Decision: from 19 December, 2018
Public performances of the selected projects: 19 & 20 January, 2019
Assessment of the process by companies: end of January

Application Submission

To take part in CROQUIS_BCN please fill in the application form

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