International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC)

Department: Department of International Relations

Contact person: Mònica Batlle


Created in Barcelona in 1990, the International Association of Educating Cities aims to spread and promote the concept of the city as the backbone of democracy and citizenship.  The specific and common goal is to work on projects and activities for improving the quality of life of the inhabitants.

The IAEC has around five hundred members throughout the world and is structured on the basis of the following territorial networks: Brazil, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Central Europe, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France.

The International Bank of Documents of Educating Cities gathers together the experiences of the member cities in the various fields covered by the association.

The World Secretariat is located in Barcelona.


  • To promote the fulfilment of the principle of the Charter of Educating Cities.
  • To boost specific collaborations and actions between cities.
  • To actively participate and cooperate in projects and exchanges of experiences with groups and institutions with common interests.
  • To influence the decision-making process of governments and international institutions in questions of interest for education cities.
  • To dialogue and collaborate with different national and international organisms

Participation of Barcelona

The Mayor of Barcelona presides the association in a permanent way.