City networks and associations
Currently, Barcelona City Council is member of the following networks and associations at an international level:
- Airport Regions Conference (ARC) Open in a new window
- Associació Internacional de Ciutats Educadores (AICE) Open in a new window
- Associació Internacional de Comissionats de Cinematografia (AFCI) Open in a new window
- Association International Villes et Ports (AIVP) Open in a new window
- Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource management (ACR+) Open in a new window
- Association Trans Europe TGV Rhin-Rhone-Mediterranée Open in a new window
- C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Open in a new window
- Centre Iberoamericà de Desenvolupament Estratègic Urbà (CIDEU) Open in a new window
- CHANGE. City Hub and Network for Gender Equity Open in a new window
- Cities Coalition for Digital Rights Open in a new window
- C.I.T.I.E.S. Open in a new window
- Ciutats i Governs Locals Units (CGLU) Open in a new window
- Comitè de ciutats i aglomeracions per l’alta velocitat i la interconnexió ferroviària del corredor mediterrani
- Consell Català del Moviment Europeu Open in a new window
- Consell de Municipis i Regions d'Europa (CMRE) Open in a new window
- Délice, the city network on food and gastronomy Open in a new window
- ECoD (European Capital of Democracy) City Network Open in a new window
- Energie-Cités Open in a new window
- ESINET Open in a new window
- Eurocities Open in a new window
- European BIC Network (EBN) Open in a new window
- European Network of Policewomen Open in a new window
- Fòrum Europeu per la Seguretat Urbana (FESU) Open in a new window
- Global Growth Network Open in a new window
- Governs Locals per la Sostenibilitat (ICLEI) Open in a new window
- IMPACTS Europe - Information Management Policies Assessment for City Transportation Open in a new window
- International Association of Science Parks (IASP) Open in a new window
- Living Labs Global (ENOLL) Open in a new window
- Local and Regional Governments Time Network Open in a new window
- Major Cities of Europe Open in a new window
- Mayors for Peace Open in a new window
- Metropolis Open in a new window
- Milan Urban Food Policy Pact-UFPP Open in a new window
- Observatori Internacional de Democràcia Participativa (OIDP) Open in a new window
- Pact of Free Cities Open in a new window
- POLIS- Promoting Operational Links with Integrated Services Open in a new window
- Procura+ Network Open in a new window
- REN21 Renewable Energy Policy Network for 21st Century Open in a new window
- Reseau Art Nouveau Network Open in a new window
- Reseau Cités des Métiers Open in a new window
- Resilient Cities Network Open in a new window
- The Competitiveness Institute (TCI) Open in a new window
- UCCI – Unió de Ciutats Capitals Iberoamericanes Open in a new window
- UNESCO Creative Cities Network Open in a new window
- World Cities Culture Forum Open in a new window
- World Tourism Cities Federation Open in a new window
- Xarxa FP Open in a new window